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  1. I

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    The most foretold tragedy Jack Matlock, 1996 William Perry, 1996 George Kennan, 1997 Bill Burns, 2008 Kissinger, 2014 John Mearsheimer, 2014 Stephen Cohen, 2014 Bob Gates, 2015 Sir Roderic Lyne, 2015 . ... European narcissism is infantile, it is a bubble of fantasies outside reality. The...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Let us remember one of the last free men in the West https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kay-Achim_Sch%C3%B6nbach The tremendous thing about this dreadful tragedy is that peace was free. And this is an index of the wickedness of those who have spent years and years pouring gasoline on the fire...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    It cost 30 millones lives to reach Berlin It cost 30 million lives to reach Berlin, and they withdrew, and were told that NATO would not advance "one inch to the East". And they go and install launching systems in Romania and Poland and finance and encourage a kamikaze regime to kill...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Blind European narcissists ... Blind European Narcissits can't stand the harsh reality: the Ukrainian Gambit 2008-: sacrificing Ukrainian pawns out of hatred for Russia is a bloody monstrosity.
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    Zelensky gives the Xi the middle finger. Says only the 1991 border is to be accepted.

    It is the doctrine of Don Josep Torras i Bages (the NATO Supreme Pontiff): the USSR can be divided because it is a "man-made" thing; but Ukraine is indivisible because it was made by "God", although we all know that it was made by drunken Bolsheviks...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    When the ruling class in London and Washington invited Ukraine to join NATO in 2008, it did not do so with the welfare of Ukrainians in mind, but to pile wood for a bonfire. And when it installed missile launching systems (that support a variety of munitions) in Romania and Poland, it did not...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Sacrificing Ukrainian pawns (2008-, 2014-) out of hatred for Russia is a cruel villainy. Enough of symbol and word games that the West is so fond of.
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    It should be noted that maybe we have only just seen the beginning. The point is that the terrible Ukrainian Gambit (2008-, 2014-, 2021- Sacrificing Ukrainian pawns out of hatred for Russia) marks the probable beginning of a possible weakening of the Dollar within a 30-60 year horizon. And...
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    Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

    ... The tangle is colossal because on the one hand the traditionalist rabbis decided NOT to be a Religion, and with the passage of time they forged the Yiddish people that triumphed in Poland-Lithuania, a people of Italian, Turkish, Syrian and Persian origin. And, on the other hand, the...
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    Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

    ... Unfortunately, one can even affirm that Judaism (200-1870) has been a long parenthesis in the history of Zionism, and in any case Zionism has devoured Judaism as Romanism (400/500/600-) devoured primitive Christianity. And the matter is even more frightening as the ideology of Anglo-Empire...
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    Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

    "Zionism is NOT Judaism" Certainly Zionism is not Rabbinical Judaism (200-1870) nor is that Judaism which in the past was a Religion spread over "all the nations of the world" (Flavius Josephus), i.e. the sum of the Persian world, the Greek world and the Roman world, which was the whole world...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    The bloodshed of this colossal and deadly Empire will astound future generations when the media-mental bubble bursts. (1) the wars against the native population (2) the wars of Wall Street https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket (3) the wars of Adolf 2, where Adolf threw in the towel...
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    Israeli Settler Family Crying for deaths of family who left the UK

    ... I don't know which thinker said that "fascism is colonialism for Europeans". And indeed the army of the Spanish fascists (1936-) treated the Spaniards as if they were Algerians or Vietnamese.
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    Israeli Settler Family Crying for deaths of family who left the UK

    A typical Roman A typical Roman-Western It is natural for them to identify with Domination and Colonialism and Imperialism which is the purest form of tyranny, plus tons of ignorance. A Westerner is a complete ignoramus who thinks he owns the world. They are to be seen as little children or...
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    Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

    Spanish fascists 100 years ago to sniff ferocity made a pilgrimage to Berlin, now to sniff ferocity they make a pilgrimage to Tell-Aviv. On the other hand, Deino is the living example of the current discussion in the West between global Zionism and local Zionism in the Land of Canaan. His heart...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    -hombre, "Ich" I was just ... just wondering - where is "Ich" ? -yes, my medal, an honor
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    ... This dreadful tragedy would not have happened with guys like Helmut Kohl and Oskar Lafontaine. That dreadful tragedy has happened because Europe is full of guys like Deino.
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    "and although I did not know the DDR now their music brings me the remains of a Germany that disappeared" You go through life so blind that you can't even read ... This is what is left of Germany: guys who do not pay attention, guys who cannot read a sentimental text from memories, guys who...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Yes Sadly now Deino types are what remains of what was once Germany in the 1980s Guys who, with their mixture of ignorance and symbolic games, are capable of creating frightening tragedies.
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