Now see still you are shamelessly defending the killings of those innocent afghans.Congratulations go drink and dance infront of a white house with a american flag in your hand because you have just managed to blow up the whole face of that unarmed afghan woman and killed all his family members.
I am angry over the deaths of those innocent civilians and that makes me a taliban sympathizer ?Even being a sympathizer of afghan taliban is not a bad thing at all because they are just fighting to drive the foreign invaders out of their country. Answer logically and don,t try to defend...
So who is the taliban in those dead women,children and the elder man who probably walks with a stick in his hand? Also taliban don,t offer funerals of the dead in public because they know they can be targeted by drone etc
Well one can expect such non-sense from a patriotic american.
Thanks for the link .I read the article and have a confusion.That means if a girl under 14 get raped then chinese law won,t take any action?
No need to get cocky my friend .The whole global media loves to report about indian rapes because it,s such a hot topic for the past few years.Every...
Now see all of the poor dead people are women,children and elders.Shame ,shame on you USA.You are a fcuking shame to humanity.I know now you are going to say they got killed because the afghan talibans were using them as shields,if that,s true where are the dead taliban among them?How many such...
Afghanistan ,india(have border with china)) both are extremely close to china
Stop favouring america.Everyone knows america is playing a power game in this region.
USA just want to maintain their power in this region to counter china and russia.Well they can,t do this in afghanistan because afghan taliban and pakistan simply didn,t let this happen,now they want some place in india.Go ahead and give them the bases but in the long run america is a friend of...