Zarb e azb has been fixing our country for the past year and its improving from hindu sponsred terrorists. On the other hand you guys with 2cm dicks keep raping your ugly women, it keeps increasing day by day.. like calm down.
Can you answer my 3 questions and then justify your reasons for supporting illegal occupation by the orc (from lord of the rings)
An orc is a ugle deformed creature in the film lord of the rings, below is a picture..
Now below is an example of a typical baniya hindu:
You motherfu*ker.. israelis are under constant attack?
1) when israel was created how much land did they have?
2) how much land do theu have now?
3) how did they get all this land?
Oh amd btw you support israel, i pity you, they dont like dark ugly piece of shit looking deformed retards like...