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  1. Pyre

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    The Americans aren't worrying about China, and there's a few good reasons why. It's the reason they're not worried about the devaluation of America's currency too. They want it to keep devaluing so that the exchange rate favours them in loan repayments. The media loves to pull on the emotional...
  2. Pyre

    Russia hints at unease with India

    Russia's pride is still hurting, that's why they're into childish sh1t like this. They feel like they came off second best and have been like a depressive schoolyard bully ever since.
  3. Pyre

    GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

    I'm prettysure hezbollah doesn't worry about condemnation from the GCC anyway. GCC takes a bunch of lebanese workers sure, but who's going to admit they support hezbollah if it becomes illegal? Just because they're shi'a they'll deport them? ---------------------- and btw, i don't understand...
  4. Pyre

    GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

    You mean bassim al karbalai?
  5. Pyre

    Israel Defense Forces

    interesting thread, lolz at the FAL.
  6. Pyre

    The U.S. Army's New 84-Ton Tank Prototype Is Nearly IED-Proof

    Hey, look at the bright side. At least it's not as big as the Landkreuzers :lol:
  7. Pyre

    AK's from around the world

    nice pics, great to see them from all over the world.
  8. Pyre

    Palestinian Arab struggle against Arabs

    It's just a semitic thing. I'm half semitic (arab) and i've observed this since i was a baby. Both jews and arabs do it equally. Try to jump over their own kind, for the sake of ego and pride. It's what happens when a people who have been tribal for thousands of years immediately get thrown into...
  9. Pyre

    Israeli Soldiers Began Screaming

    Let me go over something briefly. When i hear statements like "israeli soldiers began screaming", as though this is something to be proud of. I know for certain the infantile mentality is not what it needs to be in order to defeat such an enemy. Go to your GP, ask for some testosterone therapy...
  10. Pyre

    Mahdi has arrived says Iran

    شاهد صورة المهدي المنتظر التي نشرتها إيران ! 27/05/2013 18:30...
  11. Pyre

    Losses of Israel And Arabs in Wars After Creation of Israel

    Let's put it this way. For all the loss, there wasn't nearly enough gain after the establishment of that bastard state. The problems that stem as a direct result of its creation and subsequent immigration policies, have been nothing short of catastrophic to the world at large.
  12. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    I personally find these the most admirable traits in the Arabian people. You cannot fault them for this. Tens of thousands of years of evolution in the most unforgiving environment in the entire world, the Arabian desert. They would not have survived without such qualities.
  13. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    Interesting, i prefer that side of the peninsula actually. I've visited both sides of KSA, the red sea side, and the gulf side (where i lived and worked).
  14. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    Well, it's not just colour, it's representative of a wider anthropological legacy. But, you're probably right, although my neighbours in dammam didn't seem very happy about people "of colour".:lol:
  15. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    I don't think you comprehended my point. I'm not saying you treated blacks badly. I'm saying, there's already negroid genes in your genepool, from thousands of years ago of zanj admixture. That's why i saw some families in Saudis who have 2 tanned colour children, then one really dark child, or...
  16. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    Well i'm talking about what i've observed with my own eyes. I was there in 2009, and worked contractually for 18 months. You did however, say "the saudis like to keep distance from the others for some reason". So, whoever you're talking about, i logically assumed you're talking about blacks. If...
  17. Pyre

    Are Muslims Safe in Europe ?

    I agree with you. There is no more dar ul islam or dar ul kufr. But there IS ahl ul islam and ahl ul kufr. The borders are being torn down and the barriers don't exist. But you've got people who were raised muslim from muslim countries, becoming worse than Kuffar, And you've got western cultured...
  18. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    I never said i was ethnically saudi. I worked in saudi for quite some time contractually. But rather than living in compounds, i lived close to regular saudis and was able to understand their culture more closely, as well as Islam. Again i never said i was, and yes you're right, they prefer to...
  19. Pyre

    Libya gives Egypt $2 billion interest-free loan

    Egyptians are racially Egyptian. Not Arab at all. In fact, i feel sorry that their native culture, as it was one of the most successful and dominant in human history and now they are being made fun of by others who forced culture onto them. Yes, Egyptians men are not from the same racial stock...
  20. Pyre

    What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

    To be honest...Miscegenation has killed any hope of Arab success on this planet. In the khaleej some of the zanj slaves were totally absorbed into the regular arab population. There are still alot of pure Arabian men and women in the gulf of course, but teh problem is i've seen fathers marry...
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