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  1. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I am an evil Hindu-Zionist.
  2. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I am not Pashtun, but I can sympathize with their problems. Why are you in the UAE? Are you a taxi driver? :)
  3. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    A good quote that summarizes the Pashtun situation. The crisis and politics of ethnicity in Afghanistan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English Integrated: not much different from the rest of Urdu speaking Pakistan. Islamists: Taliban, religious extremists. Nationalists: people like Pak-One.
  4. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Pakistanis from all walks of life think of Afghanistan as a fifth province, so when Karzai makes these statements it shatters their world view. I have said it before, they don't like such leaders and want to install good puppet, like Commander of the Faithful Mullah Omar.
  5. Brother Barry

    U.S.: Afghan troops ready to defend country

    So you think hosting refugees, an internal matter, gives Pakistan the right to destabilize Afghanistan, and interfere in our politics? Isn't it counter productive, as this only produces more refugees. Maybe this is the divide between the deep state (Pak military/ISI) and the civilian government...
  6. Brother Barry

    In a $100 million move to counter China, India to upgrade Iran's Chabahar

    Excellent news, it will definitely reduce Afghan dependence on Pakistan and their extortion tactics.
  7. Brother Barry

    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    Don't build check posts on our soil, and we won't overrun them. :)
  8. Brother Barry

    U.S.: Afghan troops ready to defend country

    "Afghan" freedom fighters. Oddly enough they only speak Urdu! They got off lightly, as they were captured by Massoud. Others are not so kind to Pakistanis. Pakistani invaders are something Afghan security forces have to deal with everyday.
  9. Brother Barry

    U.S.: Afghan troops ready to defend country

    This year's fighting season, not next year, is going to be very important, because the performance of Afghan security forces will decide the number of troops NATO will leave behind.
  10. Brother Barry

    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    I don't believe border police could take down a Pakistani border post that was inside Afghanistan. Karzai only controls the presidential palace, nothing more. And he even has trouble with that! So this is clearly propaganda. That is, if you believe our Pakistani fellow forum members. :rolleyes:
  11. Brother Barry

    Heavy clashes between Afghan and Pakistani troops in Goshta

    Good job by ANA to remove illegal border posts. If this is true, then Pakistan has suffered a humiliating defeat. They could not even beat "rag tag", "heroin addicts" armed with only small arms. Edit: and also, what will the Taliban's reaction be? Are they loyal to their masters or their...
  12. Brother Barry

    Help needed! How to copy statistics from Wikipedia ????

    With Firefox you can select an entire HTML table with CTRL + Left Click. This will preserve the formatting. Select the tables one by one, copy and paste into your document. There are also addons like https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/tabletools2/
  13. Brother Barry

    Helmand High Peace Council Chief Killed in Taliban Attack

    Helmand High Peace Council Chief Killed in Taliban Attack This is the third senior member to be killed by the Taliban. Let his serve as a wake up call to all those who believe they can have peace with wild animals.
  14. Brother Barry

    Taliban planning to kidnap Musharraf

    "Afghan" freedom fighters.
  15. Brother Barry

    Afghan official says General Kayani used 'threatening language' in Brussels

    Karzai is extremely corrupt, no doubt about that. But one thing I like about him is how much pain, or "takleef" he causes for Pakistanis from all walks of life. He is like a rock in their shoes. They're not used to a person like him, and would rather see a puppet like Amir al Momineen Mullah...
  16. Brother Barry

    Will the Taliban ever reform itself?

    It's very unlikely for them to change, in any way. The Taliban believe they are simply implementing God's law, and have made it clear what it looks like: an Islamic emirate headed by the Commander of the Faithful, Mullah Omar, and ruled under Sharia. There is no place for innovation because that...
  17. Brother Barry

    Departing French Envoy Has Frank Words on Afghanistan

    Thank you, and the rest of Pakistani Americans, for funding our government and military. We appreciate it.
  18. Brother Barry

    8 Pakistani Taliban militants arrested in Kandahar

    I don't agree with banning online news sources. There are few respected (Western) agencies who are willing to report from south Afghanistan, like Kandahar. We have to make due with the small scraps of information that we can get.
  19. Brother Barry

    Tirah tribesmen threaten to migrate to Afghanistan if not registered

    PESHAWAR: Residents of Tirah Valley, Khyber Agency have told the government to register all those people who were displaced from the valley otherwise they will migrate to Afghanistan. Tribal Development Network (TDN) President Nizam Dawar said thousands of residents fled to settled areas...
  20. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    Among Afghan Pashtuns you are not popular. Even your puppets, the Taliban, dislike you. This is what the Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has to say about your country: From his book "Life with the Taliban". I won't go into your claim of the Northern Alliance...
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