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  1. P

    Chinese Navy: We will take action whenever the government is ready.

    The huge loses would be on the Chinese side. You know when the first gulf war erupted, the users of Soviet/Russian technology were shocked at how we steam rolled over the Iraqis and turned Soviet designed weaponry into twisted metal. The Chinese Navy has no experience in wide scale naval combat...
  2. P

    China rejects Philippine's accusation on South China Sea issue

    I suppose the old saying holds true. What you can't take legally you try to steal. Drop it China, you are just damaging what little reputation you have left. What punishment?
  3. P

    SCS Standoff Continues

    I thought you said it was yours since the beginning of time. And now you say you never patrol the area. What kind of f####ing Navy do you have? Only will patrol if some lame arse hand me down coast guard ship shows up.
  4. P

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Yes for a few days. Spent it all in Dhaka.
  5. P

    US wants better India-Bangladesh economic ties

    We are probably going to be there because usually the worst strains of diseases like tuberculosis are found in such poor places. We get samples of such and make vaccines out of it, so the next flu shot will be a little better than the last ones. Really, no sinister intention just prolly...
  6. P

    Bangladesh Air Force

    I agree, why spend what little resource they have on fancy Migs when roads in Dhaka turns to mud when it rains, when roads turn to a jungle of mess with never ending road repair/constructions that no one knows what they are for. I was there last year and saw it first hand. Bangadeshis are one of...
  7. P

    The terrible price of a Korean defection

    How could he possibly leave his wife and daughters knowing he may not see them ever. He must have known it would have been impossible to get them out. This may sound harsh but he comes off as a coward to me.
  8. P

    Philippines to send two warships and an anti-submarine aircraft to the

    Yes our helping the Philippines is debatable. Sink 1, 2 or even 3 ships and you will probably get away with it. Turn them into a punching bag, well that's another story. The Georgians miscalculated and fired first in a big way. Since the Philippines does not have anything worth firing, you...
  9. P

    Philippines to send two warships and an anti-submarine aircraft to the

    I believe it is the Philippines who holds the card. It is a weak country with no Navy nor Airforce but it is considered a red line for us. Touch it and big brother will come down with a sledge hammer. It looks like it is China who is threading very carefully at this. Prolly fearful that one...
  10. P

    Pakistan building its own fleet of military drones

    The question is, is it beneficial to spend the limited resources on unproven technology just to get a few ones up in the air or is it better spent on maintaining the readiness of the current air assets?
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    China ignores Pakistan's concerns, approves Indian basmati imports

    It will hurt Pakistan in the near term but it will force Pak rice mills to improve their wares and eventually will be good for the Pak economy in the long run.
  12. P

    SCS Standoff Continues

    Interesting, does the Philippines actually have credible anti submarine assets?
  13. P

    US Marine General confirms Spratly by defense treaty, US will intervene

    I think its debatable whether the US will step in if there is a shooting war between the Philippines and China. It would be extremely foolish for the Philippines to even consider such a move. The US is pretty tight lip about this but and at the same time it seems to be moving to strengthen US...
  14. P

    Spratly Islands News

    Of course. They don't stand a chance. Let's examine this. In China's history, they've mostly fought among themselves. They have fought only a few foreigners and it wasn't pretty. The fought Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes but ended up getting their capital burned to the ground and living...
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