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  1. W

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Now Japan have to deal with Chinese fighters above the Daioyu if they want to play hard ball.
  2. W

    Do you believe in fate? Japanese man born to wealthy parents is accidentally switched at birth and e

    the guy is a wuss, hes 60 years old and is seeking compensation and angry. Life is what you make it, sure for the first 2 decades you struggled, but you could have made a life for yourself. Life is what you make of it, especially in a country like Japan where there is no BS like caste and ethnic...
  3. W

    Japan, S.Korean military planes defy China's new defense zone

    China is playing the game of GO, its way to early to see the effect of the newly established ADIZ, the US led camp will have to accept the zone in time as they are incapable of launching a military action against the Chinese. The japanese used to report chinese marine surveillance who were...
  4. W

    No air defence zone along Sino-India border: China

    Indian media posting stupid articles again? China and India are land bordered, if you fly across you get shot at.
  5. W

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    just increase taxes, call it the "little japan" tax. everyone is willing to pay.
  6. W

    US and Chinese drones to dominate the skies: Kanwa

    people need to stop quoting wantchinatimes, its written by middle school kids.
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    35 killed in China oil pipeline explosion

    28,000 may seem a lot but in the whole scale of things its actually not alot. The International Labour Organisation estimates around 2.3 million death world wide from workplaces accidents and related diseases, of which people from asia accounted for 1.1 million of them. Naturally work place...
  8. W

    India ahead of China, Pakistan in Internet freedom: Study

    The news is false, since it says China has only 300 million net users? Was this report made in 2006? China has whopping 591 million internet users - Economic Times 600 million is a more accurate estimate.
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    China Sports

    Agreed, whoever the fxxk paid david beckham millions for his 4 day "football ambassador" duty earlier this year should be shot.
  10. W

    China Economy Forum

    Indians are still looking for excuses. Its getting sad.
  11. W

    Spain issues arrest order for Chinese President Jiang Zemin

    An alternative view is that the pro tibetan camp really has exhausted all avenues for external support. The spanairds with 26% unemployment rate must really love Tibetans.
  12. W

    China calls on Sri Lanka to 'protect and promote human rights'

    I already answered that in my post, read harder. While western politics and foreign policy is plagued with conflicting domestic interests, Chinese view on world affairs in always uniform with the party's vision.
  13. W

    China calls on Sri Lanka to 'protect and promote human rights'

    Chinese government is only saying it in light of its recent election into the Human Rights Council, its to please the critics. This is coupled with the top EU delegation that's in China meeting top leaders and seeking further co-operation. When in reality, Chinese core position and interest in...
  14. W

    Taiwan vs. China

    the CCP collapsing accord to this guy is as ludicrous as Taiwan president's claim below. Taiwan President: Mainland China is Still Our Territory – chinaSMACK
  15. W

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    To be frank, China has always stated that they will reassess their commitment depending on situation as it develops. Which frankly has gotten worse, because the Pinoy government is just incompetent.
  16. W

    China arrests billionaire activist

    if the western media is crying again, China's policy is almost always correct.
  17. W

    Chinese university 'expels' economist Xia Yeliang

    What has that got to do with anything.
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    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    Abortion is not a moral issue in Chinese society any more, this is 2013. 1 Child policy has been around for almost 30 years. Hundreds of millions of chinese were aborted, what makes this man's family so special? What entitles them to a free pass to disobey the law to the detriment of the society...
  19. W

    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    have an abortion or pay the fine, make a choice and be a man. This man is a *****.
  20. W

    Chinese university 'expels' economist Xia Yeliang

    he must be apply for US green card, need some decent credentials for the US to bring him in. This news should do it.
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