what makes you think we stopped road constraction there?
I dont know the purpose of the sudden road expansion. but indian try to stop us,which means the road is indeed important and we will not stop.
As of the end of July, there were still
over 40 Indian border troops and one bulldozer illegally staying in the
Chinese territory.
after foreign ministe release this document.I see the war will soon coming
we make sudden road expansion there because of pakistan request?no possible
Actually I dont understand why road expansion there. to connect bhutan road?no, bhutan road is far away from there.and the road is hundreds meter near indian border. a single machine gun can block the road.
to scare...
if check the map of this deadend road,it is towards indian, and indian bunkers are 100meter in the near.
it is the wrong direction to bhutan, it seems towards indian. even we expand this road there to bhutan ,a single machine gun can block the route,useless.
I am curious of the real intention...
the roads to nepal can not supplier heavy goods transport. after the lesson what nepal learnt two years ago,is they must connect china with railway, it will take us several year digging tunnel through for railway.
best route to the subcontainent is always pakistan.
targeting siliruri corridor for what?
attacking there .we will fall into trap.
even we take the corridor with huge cost, indian can still go through bangeladesh.
the important route for us is
china pakistan corridor. even the railway tunnel through hymalaya to nepal is more inportant than the...
best route to attack is off course pakistan(with pakistan permission)
through hymalaya is worst route.
and in general we dont have intention to attack indian
for the road expantion there. I am just a common chinese bussinesman. dont really understand the intention of Xi.
the road is still far away to connect bhutan road,and we know that indian will stop us in that area and we know board agreement between bhutan and china not signed, why we expant the road?
compare to cepc and other road ,the road there does not have really ”importance”.cause we will never...
moutainous region is not like hymalaya,
besides we could deploy troops in pakistan controlled area first. unlike south of hymalaya area we have no place to deploy troops(that is one reason we have try to have road connection with hymalaya country)
if in future war between china and indian, we surely dont attack from hymalaya.
hymalaya is nature defence line.we will use it as defence line.
if we attack,attack is from kashimir ,pakistan is the front agressive line.
My peaceful solution is we go back where we were indian go back where they were. arrange a bank to finance bhutan finish rest part of road.
if no one build the road there is no go back.stands off will continue forever
without connection ,bhutan is all depends on indian.it is indian ,wo dont allow bhutan build diplomatic relation with china.
after road contraction ,after then we can put our influrence to bhutan,bhutan will less depend on indian, the diplomatic relation become possible
we dont use this chickens neck to scare indian. we want road through hymalaya, so the hymalya no more barrien between bhutan an china. has not much to do with indian.
it is indian getting too sensible