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  1. Ruisheng

    Hello from a Chinese student in France!

  2. Ruisheng

    China's water transfer project begins

    It's a system. And a system means it contains not only the artificial rivers but also lakes, reservoirs, dams, etc. And in the pic you see it's far from full. I guess it has the capacity to transfer at least 5 times of the volume.
  3. Ruisheng

    Scarborough Shoal: Phl facts vs Beijing fiction

    Man, that's really a great improvement ok?:meeting:
  4. Ruisheng

    Is China becoming an Interventionist?

    Ohlala! Now I see how do people create rumors! First I'm not sure that flag IS our five-star since it was folded that way. Second even that one is PRC flag, don't you notice that a Russia Flag was burned first? What did that mean? Hmmm, in Syria, hate both Russia and China. Guess who? The...
  5. Ruisheng

    China unlikely to succeed in ousting the US from Asia

    They set this topic not for discussion but for a meaningless battle.
  6. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  7. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  8. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    其实最奇葩的就是俺们自己本土道教了。今天看到神人总结道教:爱信信,不信滚,别妨碍老子飞升!我擦,当场跪了,凭什么这么任性! 没有,但是那人笑得很邪恶很恐怖,先水煮,觉得味道不好改油煎,最后还把人肉分给邻居吃!
  9. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  10. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    你这是精神上的佛教,其实我认为就是一套处世原则。世俗的佛教一点都不好,好多做法事骗钱的。东南亚国家,为啥说他们落后?到现在还政教不分。佛教印度教还有希腊罗马那些都是多神教,包容性好,但是忠诚度差,我也不知道怎么破了。印度人本来应该是我们最好的盟友的,可惜特么整个国家从上到下都被西方人还有甘地洗脑了。 they eat people. 昨晚上看完,整个人都不好了,于是我找了元首大人帮我压压惊。
  11. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    你去看一看那个 China's slave里面有个加拿大人贴了段视频,号称俄罗斯最恐怖的监狱。里面什么样的杀人犯都有,简直人间地狱。 sorry, we only accept Russian girls.
  12. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  13. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  14. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  15. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    哇你哪里的这么保守,居然还去台湾,不知道台妹很野的吗? 一神教就是一切问题的来源。我就这么说说,别传出去。
  16. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

  17. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    To experience 3000 years of history, go Xi'an. To experience 500 years of history, go Beijing. To experience 100 years of history, go Shanghai. To experience 20 years of development, go Shenzhen.
  18. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    老毛讲统一战线,只要爱国不搞分裂,就没必要把人家推出去。 至于绿淫,头顶脚底都是绿的,不过他们也就是跳梁小丑,两边要饭吃而已。 你下次可以挑一栋建筑,详细介绍背景,历史,趣闻,建筑结构,风格,我觉得效果会比走马观花好。老外无知的多了去了,你介绍个兵马俑我估计一大半人不知道。当然这是在欧洲的经验,印巴不好说。
  19. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

    阿扁老师的教育深入人心啦,你看看YouTube 一口一个你们中国怎样怎样,我们是台湾人不是中国人哦怎样怎样,根本没把自己当中国人。愚民大法就是好!封网其实是为了防止民间自发武统扰乱党国大计…
  20. Ruisheng

    Welcome to China to play!

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