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  1. DelhiDareDevil

    India to allow foreign direct investment from Pakistan

    Not really fussed by this news. Dont think they are dozen plus companies in Pakistanis that could trouble any top Indian firm in that particular sector.
  2. DelhiDareDevil

    North Korea long-range rocket broke apart after launch

    They are so big headed its unreal, all big head people in people in life tend to have a unsocial life cause no one likes them. FACT!
  3. DelhiDareDevil

    HAL's helicopter lands atop building!

    Fail? Or you could just be like Bangladesh and never try... Its up to you/
  4. DelhiDareDevil

    Kuwait mulls death penalty for insulting God, Prophet

    Let them live it, they probably will suffer a decrease in consumption, tourism, investment etc cause of this stupid law.
  5. DelhiDareDevil

    Jinnah VS A.Kalam Azad

    Ignoring religion, its no doubt that Kalam was the greater and intellectual human being.
  6. DelhiDareDevil

    2 Chinese Students Fatally Shot in L.A.

    so many chinese students in UK drives BMW and Bentleys and have Gucci clothes.
  7. DelhiDareDevil

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Not funny if you intellectual to enough to understand this a Pakistan forum.
  8. DelhiDareDevil

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    China needs to stop killing innocent people in Xinxiang and Tibet first of all before you can question other nations.
  9. DelhiDareDevil

    India says UNSC should have 25 members

    Give it 5 years, and your country will be under water and smaller then all those nations.
  10. DelhiDareDevil

    Russia Tests New Thermobaric Rocket System

    No your Iranian. Don't want to know.
  11. DelhiDareDevil

    Sikh pilgrims cross the border

    Do most of the Sikh pilgrims that go to Lahore, are mainly from Pakistan or India?
  12. DelhiDareDevil

    Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

    How many been saved so far?
  13. DelhiDareDevil

    Russia Tests New Thermobaric Rocket System

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/171912-after-warning-india-china-asks-russia-stay-away-south-china-sea-7.html And technology theft, copying fighter jets, ignoring Russia privacy, gaining control of Asia instead of Russia.
  14. DelhiDareDevil

    Pakistan to be first stop of Putin’s world trip

    Could be a case of leaving the best nations till last to visit. What are the other nations he will be visiting?
  15. DelhiDareDevil

    Russia Tests New Thermobaric Rocket System

    Bad news for likes of USA and China for sure!
  16. DelhiDareDevil

    Saudi Arabia Persuades Pakistan to Abandon Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

    dissapointing to see pakistanis acting like this after all the donations and money they get from saudi arabia. short memory length here
  17. DelhiDareDevil

    Sri Lanka may see tsunami waves 4.00 pm, Tremor felt in Sri Lanka

    There is already a thread on this. Learn to use search function for once in your life please. They are 27 nations that could be affected by the Tsunami, now lets not make a thread for every single nation now.
  18. DelhiDareDevil

    HSBC quits Pakistan.

    From your link it states: The origins of the bank lie in Hong Kong and Shanghai, where branches were first opened in 1865.[4] Today, HSBC remains the largest bank in Hong Kong, and recent expansion in mainland China, where it is now the largest international bank, has returned it to that part...
  19. DelhiDareDevil

    HSBC quits Pakistan.

    HSBC is a Chinese bank. Its a shame to see what Chinese are doing to their only allies.
  20. DelhiDareDevil

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Would love Russia, India, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, USA, Japan launch a simultaneous attack on China. They would deserve it, for trying to bully other nations!
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