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  1. DelhiDareDevil

    US wants 'more active' India in Afghanistan

    Pakistan troops are already doing a great job, that India dont have to. lol
  2. DelhiDareDevil

    3 Strongest Muslim Armies!

    Easily. 1) Turkey 2) Saudi Arabia 3) Iran
  3. DelhiDareDevil

    India has institutional capacity to become world power: US

    Come on Indians, no need to reply back to these trolls. Its obvious any postive news about India, will be slated by chinese n paks.
  4. DelhiDareDevil

    Putin wants Russia and China to join forces against the West

    why are u bringing India into a thread about Putin visiting China for? Putin already said India is a upcoming superpower. He doesnt need to say it every year for trolls like you. Plus India is not against the West, like China and Russia are.
  5. DelhiDareDevil

    Pakistan successfully test fires Babur cruise missile

    Well done Pakistan, I am very happy to hear this news.
  6. DelhiDareDevil

    Kamra air base mysterious fire caused lose of millions :( :-/

    Oh dear, thought it was a Indian Air Base for a second.
  7. DelhiDareDevil

    China rebuffs India over Kashmir

    People get infraction for posting 2-3 months old news. This deserves a permanent ban then. lol
  8. DelhiDareDevil

    China rebuffs India over Kashmir

    Any non Pakistani links? Otherwise thread should be closed
  9. DelhiDareDevil

    First Indo-Japan naval exercise on June 9

    Wow, a Island much closer to Japan and China are claiming that to? This is getting funnier by the day. :rofl:
  10. DelhiDareDevil

    Is the India growth story over?

    No because even a 0.00001% increase constitutes under economist dictionary as economic growth.
  11. DelhiDareDevil

    Geopolitics of ASEAN+ region

    Sorry, but why would ASEAN want 3 small nations to join them, when bigger nations like India can instead. It will be like Greece in EU, a tragedy!
  12. DelhiDareDevil

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

    Israel nuclear weapons are in safer hands than Pakistan and Iran though. Thats why the western is more quiet with Israel, just like with India, China and Russia.
  13. DelhiDareDevil

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    Great job well done USA. More militants are dead now. :wave:
  14. DelhiDareDevil

    Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

    If you can see them that is. Depends if you can see their beauty honestly.
  15. DelhiDareDevil

    Indian economy to grow 3 percent in 2012-2013: BBC report

    All the foriegn India students are having difficulty to live in England. As the rupee is very low at the moment compared to the £. Feel sorry for the parents funding kids education abroad.
  16. DelhiDareDevil

    Nationwide strike in India over fuel price hike

    Shows what people can do if they live in a democratic nation really.
  17. DelhiDareDevil

    How India is creating the next big solar market

    Good, go sell it to Pakistan then. India can produce 90% of the components itself.
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