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  1. silverox

    India’s Adani’s losses swell above $100bn

    Such people are the thieves who steal the wealth of the country. Politicians and businessmen conspire to steal the wealth of the country. In China, Modi would be arrested and prosecuted for serious crimes of corruption and theft of state property  
  2. silverox

    China successfully tests 'phantom space strike' weapon which can overwhelm an enemy’s missile defence systems ahead of a nuclear attack

    The weaponization of space seems inevitable. We don't know what the United States is doing in secret, and we don't know what Russia is doing in secret America and Russia don't know what China is doing In that case, shouldn't your opponent be the first to threaten the survival of your country...
  3. silverox

    UP: Brahman Mother-Daughter self immolate themselves During Demolition Drive, by the employees of the revenue department | Murder Case Filed

    This kind of thing does not get on the news page, because this is happening in India, the international mainstream media assumed that anything can happen in India, it does not matter
  4. silverox

    Expert’s warning to US Navy on China: Bigger fleet almost always wins

    Americans are trapped in their own minds, unable to think beyond their own limits. America can sell arms to China The American Military–industrial complex has long been the interest group that drove the country to war But the United States can not sell arms to China This is a stupid...
  5. silverox

    War game suggests Chinese invasion of Taiwan would fail at a huge cost to US, Chinese and Taiwanese militaries

    I was blocked by the Voice of America website, The possible reason is I suggest China and the US divide the Pacific Ocean after the war if China wins Bounded by the International Date Line. President Xi said that the earth is big enough to accommodate China and the United States Voice of...
  6. silverox

    China threatens retaliation after US shot down spy balloon

    As early as 2019, China's J10c shot down a high-altitude power balloon The Chinese military released the video three years ago China uses J10CJ to shoot down a high-altitude power reconnaissance balloon China has not announced which country the balloon belongs to But according to the...
  7. silverox

    Headache For India, Pakistan Flaunts ‘Much Superior’ Turkish Akinci Combat UAVs and technologny in general

    Such uavs can only attack guerrillas who lack anti-aircraft capability, and can not deal with the regular army.
  8. silverox

    US to begin discussions with Japan on deploying long range hypersonic weapons and Tomahawk cruise missiles on Japanese territory

    You Don't understand the Japanese The Japanese do not think it wrong to invade China The Japanese believe that it is wrong to attack the United States, The Japanese thought that if Japan had not attacked the United States Japan would retain the East Asian interests it swallowed after it...
  9. silverox

    Pakistan as a solution to the Chinese demographic problem

    这是印度人发的一个钓鱼帖子,目的就是制造争吵 我们所有人都知道 从人种,文化,和传统来说 中国都绝无可能向南亚开放移民 而且中国的计划生育政策是当时中国领导人的天真和愚蠢 还有中国共产党军事化政府的错误决策 中国领导人上了西方人人口理论的当 难道中国执行了数十年的计划生育政策是为了外来移民腾空位置吗 就算是和中国人 差别不大的韩国人,日本人 中国也不可能允许其大规模移民中国 同样的,日本和韩国也不会允许中国人大量移民他们的国家 印度人这些年似乎对中国越来越敌对了 等我们收拾了台湾 就会转过头来真正对付印度
  10. silverox

    US to begin discussions with Japan on deploying long range hypersonic weapons and Tomahawk cruise missiles on Japanese territory

    Instead of dancing to America's rhythm, I suggest producing hydrogen and neutron bombs at full throttle, as a last resort, and letting the Japanese take strategic risks that would result in full-scale Chinese retaliation
  11. silverox

    The US Keeps Offering China Its Covid Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No

    The U.S. has genetically edited human DNA fragments and viruses in order to develop genetic weapons that can kill specific populations, a technique patented by Modena, Inc. . I deeply doubt that, in keeping with Donald Trump's trade war, american intelligence agencies have poisoned China. Ever...
  12. silverox

    The US Keeps Offering China Its Covid Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No

    You Fool, in 2008 or so, a bat cave in Yunnan province was infected with a virus that killed people, professor Shi Zhengli collected virus samples, the Americans cheated her cooperation. There is one more thing I doubt. In June 2019, the Donald Trump administration banned e-cigarettes on the...
  13. silverox

    The US Keeps Offering China Its Covid Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No

    It was the American Modena company that made the gene-edited bat virus, the messenger virus. The Americans asked Shi Zhengli, a virologist in Wuhan, China, for the deadly virus found in a bat cave in Yunnan Province, China, in 2008. Shi is a simple scientist, she had no idea that the messenger...
  14. silverox

    Border clashes between India and China ‘regularly covered up’

    Now that its main target is not India but Taiwan, China has exercised restraint The history of china-india relations can be seen Whenever there is any domestic difficulty in China, India tries to provoke on the border In 1959, for example, when famine broke out in China, India embarked on a...
  15. silverox

    Indian Army ready to execute orders on taking back Azad Kashmir, says top general

    I don't think military generals should make any statements about national policy, which, rightly or wrongly, is irresponsible and will lead the country's leadership into a strategic trap. And India's military leaders seem to have long liked to talk about such irresponsibility, galvanising...
  16. silverox

    'Tawang Clash With China Extremely Serious; 35 Indian Soldiers Injured, 7 Serious': Col. Ajai Shukla

    The Indian Army is pursuing an aggressive forward policy by illegally establishing military positions on the undemarcated border between the two sides Chinese troops have been ordered to dismantle an illegal Indian Army stronghold, sparking clashes I have always believed that the policy...
  17. silverox

    BYD Outsells Tesla in 2022, Delivering 1.86 Million Units, Mainly in China

    BYD's car, now looks good, but ten years ago, BYD's car looked very bad
  18. silverox

    China 'Sprinting' to Superpower Status, Military Escalation Seen as Prelude to Taiwan Takeover

    The United States is merely trying to block China's reunification process. It is purely a conflict of interest. If you rise to the height of values, it is Self-handicapping foolish behavior China, for example, does not support the reunification of south and North Korea. It was foolish of the...
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