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  1. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Sir little correction. Its 1983 hehe. By the way happy belated Eid sir. When i come pakistan please do treat me with kheer hehe.
  2. ISRO2

    IAF unattractive for indian pilots

    Mig21 effects sir. Mig21 is nightmare hehe. Our Pilots would love to die defending in war but why they wanna die without a war. Mig21 scary mania hehe.
  3. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Sir numbers will be raised but first LCA should get operational hehe. 2010 or 2011 is date of induction LCA. then IAF will decide they want more then 150 or not.
  4. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Sir you are chinese or pakistani? Well it doesnt matter. Pakistan having its own internal problem that no other country can match it. While china having its own internal problem from tibet to muslim community riots. i have not added taiwan sir because its not chinese terroritory hehe. Better...
  5. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Sir india will do that but the only one problem is that LCA not yet operational. Because of LCA IAF getting all sorts of trouble. Once LCA gets operational our number will rise fast. LCA mk-2 better then most jet fighters sir but it has to get operational first sir.
  6. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    i dont understand why the hell most new commers have a bash at anyone. Anyway i love your ID sir. Jesus christ. A true christ lover wont use that. That's offending. Will pakistanis use god name in ID? i doubt yet again about ur identity. Anyway sir i will ignore u. i dont wanna earn bad karma...
  7. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Or else what sir? If u find my comment childish then dont be a child to reply it sir thank you. Anyway back to topic. just now i read that our air chief made that comment just after 1 day when chinese met chindu. Please anyone post the video of comment by IAF chief? Check him out in that video...
  8. ISRO2

    ISRO puts Oceansat-2 into the orbit

    Other countries advice us to stop sending in space and feed the poor. Its ISRO who done alot for poor people then goverment itself. From farming to fishing its ISRO all the way. The sattelite launched was for poor fisherman of india and WORLD. the sattelite will monitor ocean and help fishermans...
  9. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Sir IAF way better in Quality. We dont say that. Its world's airforce says that. Our air chief didn't mention Quality. He said china 3 times more powerful in numbers hehe. i think its new fashion now saying we not enough and we need more hehe. Even american air force does it sir.
  10. ISRO2

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Picking MRCA coming near. Its a HINT to goverment that we dont need 126 jet fighters. We need double the amount. i have doubt. i think its a game by goverment by itself. Indian goverment might have decided already that two different jet fighters will be picked. So they told our IAF to realease...
  11. ISRO2

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    India should go for rafael or EF.
  12. ISRO2

    South Korea 5th Gen Fighter Programme

    Am praying for that mam. i think only two 5th generation jet fighter will rule the sky. Thats is pak-fa and F-35. While F-22, J-xx and sout korea 5th generation jet fighters wont be upto high level. India alot lucky its partner of russia in Pak-fa project. Now just two months remain untill we...
  13. ISRO2

    'India must become partner in US missile defence'

    Mam brahmoss failed in first test of pin point accurasy which can hit target building amoung cluster of buildings or 2nd test? Hehe i dont know why our neighbours always picks our failed test and why they kept sleeping in our 2nd SUCCESSFUL test hehe. Brahmoss failed new 1st test but 2nd test...
  14. ISRO2

    Chinese and Russian 5th-gen fighters could outnumber the F-35

    Sir please do update me on it. Please do check out of 52 indigenous developed weapons how many were made to protect china's population. In short i meant was defence weapons that can protect chinese population. There is difference between offensive and deffensive weapons. Thank you.
  15. ISRO2

    Chinese and Russian 5th-gen fighters could outnumber the F-35

    sir what's details of ws-15? Is it ready yet? Is it upto level of pak-fa jet engine? Thank you.
  16. ISRO2

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    And by the way we will get mig35 later even when we dont pick it. If mig35 looses then it doesn't mean its end of road. Anyway mig29 upgradation is upto mig35 level. So in a way we can say after upgradation mig29 bit mig35 level. May be not fully but it will be nearly.
  17. ISRO2

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Sir did russia gave india engine technology yet? The question here is how much we should trust russia. Aircraft carrier blackmail, brahmoss code source threat, never helped india even making a tiny engine yet. Let alone powerful engine. We already investing heavy in pak-fa, buying new...
  18. ISRO2

    A.Q Khan's 'secret letter' to wife?

    Sir if russia helped india then there shouldn't be any doubts on our H bombs test hehe. Well anyway about A.Q Khan i would like to say is he been made scapegoat. Real culprits were pakistan goverment. A.Q Khan took all blame onto him self. Credit should go to him. Nevertheless he was part of...
  19. ISRO2

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    Sir am bit shocked. i have read in this forum JF-17 vs F-16. Pakistanis vote went to F-16 and most of them said comparing JF-17 with F-16 is a joke. While while mig29 was build to take on F-16 and not sukhoi-30MKI. so when F-16 cant match sukhoi-30MKI then why JF-17 been compared with...
  20. ISRO2

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    No sir i didn't get the clue. Please try to explain in a simple way like which jet fighter will drop dead in dog fight and if winner is JF-17 then sir i would like to know on which planet does JF-17 been build? Hehe thank you.
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