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  1. Yuuki

    Indonesia-ACEs 'crescent and star' al flag

    01.04.2013 13:19 Similar to the flag of the red crescent and star on the Turkish flag, the official flag of the state they want to be. Indonesia's Aceh province like the Turkish flag, red crescent and star flag as the flag of the state's official rally was held to support the use. Hundreds...
  2. Yuuki

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    @Saleem "Israel has offered to lay a natural gas pipeline through Turkey, but Istanbul is reluctant to accept due to ongoing bilateral tension" 15 Feb 2013 "Israel's Netanyahu apologizes to Turkey for Mavi Marmara raid" 22 Mar 2013 Why? Energy=>$$$
  3. Yuuki

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    1- Apology OK! 2- Compensation OK! 3- "Gaza blockade problem" OK! Erdoğan's statement on TV24
  4. Yuuki

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Israel's Netanyahu apologizes to Turkey for Mavi Marmara raid Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan. (Photo: Today's Zaman) 22 March 2013 /REUTERS, JERUSALEM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkey for deaths...
  5. Yuuki

    Turkish Armed Forces want permanent membership in the SCO "Atatürk Vision"

    The 9 joint military exercises under SCO framework SCO Armed Forces to Stage “Peace Mission 2012″ Drill SCO military exercises to target regional terrorism By Li Xiaokun (China Daily) Chinese troops participating in "Peace Mission 2010" march across the Matybulak military...
  6. Yuuki

    Turkish Armed Forces want permanent membership in the SCO "Atatürk Vision"

    Of course "TSK’nın yayın organı olan Silahlı Kuvvetler Dergisi"
  7. Yuuki

    Turkish Armed Forces want permanent membership in the SCO "Atatürk Vision"

    arkadaşım ya sen anlayamıyorsun yada anlamak istemiyorsun Türkiye’nin tarihi, kültürel ve ekonomik bağlarının olduğu, etki ve ilgi alanını içinde bulunduran bu birliğe Diyalog Ülkesi olarak dahil olması önemli bir adım olarak...
  8. Yuuki

    Turkish Armed Forces want permanent membership in the SCO "Atatürk Vision"

    u sure? The Shanghai Five grouping was originally created 26 April 1996 with the signing of the Treaty on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions in Shanghai by the heads of states of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. 24 April 1997 the same...
  9. Yuuki

    Turkish Armed Forces want permanent membership in the SCO "Atatürk Vision"

    O teklife TSK’nın da sıcak baktığı ortaya çıktı Levent İÇGEN / VATAN TSK’nın yayın organı Silahlı Kuvvetler Dergisi’nde,“Şangay İşbirliği Örgütü’nün geleceğin küresel gücü olacağı” kaydedildi...
  10. Yuuki

    the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus

    @Kajutyun In 1922, even some nationalist Armenians who hated Turks partially understood their error: “Like madmen, we rushed here and there, saying to each other, That base, murderous, Moslem Turk dealt with us better than these European Christians! If only we had known this before and...
  11. Yuuki

    Jordan King Abdullah`s Visit to Ankara and His tears

    Some people don't want Turk-Arap friendship! And they incite Turks.
  12. Yuuki

    Updated statistics: Total number of personnel 678,617!

    ben nerde hata yapıyorum 209 dan 3600 olamaz nasıl mümkün hesaplıyorum max 500 ((1.021)^41)*209 = 490
  13. Yuuki

    Updated statistics: Total number of personnel 678,617!

    GDP per capita PPP SAGP 2011 17 bin 468 dolar SAGP 2012 18 bin 092 dolar SAGP 2013 18 bin 834 dolar tahmin edilen source: Milliyet - Ki Merkez Bankası Başkanı Erdem Başçı, büyümenin önündeki diğer bir engelin de aşırı yüksek borç...
  14. Yuuki

    Updated statistics: Total number of personnel 678,617!

    GDP bizim neden düşük onu araştırmak lazım ama biz her işimizi kendimiz yaptığımız için o sayılmıyor olmasın? :D bizim gerçek GDP(GDP + hesaplanmayan GDP). kendin pişir kendin ye durumu. :D yunanistan gdp si krize...
  15. Yuuki

    Greece, Turkey PMs say time to 'move on' and mend ties

    Greece, Turkey PMs say time to 'move on' and mend ties It is time for Greece and Turkey to find a way to circumvent differences that have left ties in tatters for half a century, their prime ministers said on Monday. "It is true we have a charged history, we have had our crises and our...
  16. Yuuki

    Turkish PM’s ‘Zionist’ comment sparks international outcry

    A- If a person has bombs or weapons, this person is guilty. B- If a person is a member of PKK/KCK Terrorist Organization, this person is guilty. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization internationally by a number of states and organizations, including United Nations, NATO, the United...
  17. Yuuki

    National Software

    Ordu için ‘milli’ yazılım dönemi TÜBİTAK, savunma sektöründeki tüm sistemlerde kullanılan ve dünyada 11 adet bulunan Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi’ni (GİS) yerli olanaklarla üretti. MİTHAT YURDAKUL / Ankara Yerli sistem ile...
  18. Yuuki

    the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus

    See! Armenian diaspora is quite rich and powerful. The Armenian lobby' is today considered to be the second most powerful ethnic lobby in America, only exceeded in influence by the Jewish lobby. source: http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/papazian/america.html The University of...
  19. Yuuki

    25-26 February 1992 Hocal Massacre

    Look at the photo! Her baktığımda çok kötü etkiliyor beni :(
  20. Yuuki

    Iraqi shia militia threaten turkey...again

    madmutsi yorumundan Mehmet Ali Birand ın 2009 daki makale sini hatırladım. Link makale den, Benim sözünü ettiğim kesimler, sorunun çözülmesi gereğine inanmasına rağmen, atılan adımları kuşku ve kaygıyla izleyen “ iyi niyetli”...
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