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  1. USAHawk785

    US Navy's new warship, USS Zumwalt, can prepare for battle on its own: report

    The 610-foot, 15,000-ton ship still needs humans aboard, but its cutting edge technology allows it to anticipate many of the crew's needs. The U.S. Navy’s new warship has a mind of its own — and it’s blurring the line between science fiction and fact. The highly automated, 610-foot USS...
  2. USAHawk785

    soviet vs usa air force

    Even if they're outdated, they can still serve as an attack aircraft. Capable of taking out hostile tank columns. The F-16s should be used only for air superiority missions and to preserve your nation's air sovereignty. Plus, those babies cost pretty dime. :P
  3. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    HELSINKI — Nearly 54 percent of Finns would support a formal, treaty-centered, bilateral military alliance with Sweden, according to an opinion poll conducted March 17-20 by the Helsinki-based research organization Taloustutkimus for the Finnish public broadcasting corporation YLE. By contrast...
  4. USAHawk785

    soviet vs usa air force

    lol. well i'm glad you guys took care of business. le chaim !
  5. USAHawk785

    Oto Melara's Vulcano Munitions Ready for Sale

    LA SPEZIA, ITALY — After years of putting its faith in the development of guided munitions — for both naval and land use — Italy’s Oto Melara now claims it has working technology and a range of products ready for sale. “We have had the breakthrough and we are on the downhill slope now,” said...
  6. USAHawk785

    soviet vs usa air force

    For developing countries like TM, it would be fiscally sound for them to make necessary upgrades. Scrapping and purchasing new equipment will be a fiscal concern. In addition, TM should be wary in upgrading to quickly lest it attracts the attention of neighbors. ehem. ehem.
  7. USAHawk785

    Angela Merkel approves Germany's first minimum wage

    My concern is won't this drive away small business ? I wonder if the fiscal repercussions to this mandate will affect Germany's already growing unemployment numbers.
  8. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    LOL. I wonder what would happen if a German immigrant worker in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia tells his Saudi employers, "Hey Sadiq, stop giving preferential treatment. Pay me as an equal. Why do you pay European engineers 8000 riyal a month, and you pay Indian engineer doing the same job 2000...
  9. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    When I was in high school I had a lot of classmates who were Asian; many of whom were Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Lao, Khmer or Filipino. And they used to shout "Asian Pride" or "Chinese Pride". That was great to see, seeing their pride in their cultural and racial background. I liked that. In...
  10. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    You're right. In theory, it was allowed. However, there was a social class in Latin America, and those that were in the highest echelon in society were the Peninsulares (individuals born and raised in the Iberian Peninsula per se Portugal and Spain), then there were the Insulares (whites who...
  11. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    Well said, my Romanian colleague. I would even add in the following: Is it wrong to be proud of one's racial and ethnic heritage? Is it wrong to want to preserve the continuity of one's homeland? I'm sure not. I'm sure the Japanese like Japan to remain a country composed of predominantly...
  12. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    First, I am against liberal immigration policy. Secondly, immigration is fine so long as these immigrants who come into respective host nations contribute to the host nation and assimilate within the host society, contribute to the well being of the country and not take advantage of the social...
  13. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    Brazil is a direct product of Portugeuese colonization of South America. One can objectively even state that Brazil, and most of the South and Central American states, exist because of the extension of Iberian (mostly Spanish) policy of 'Reconquista' that was used as pretext to colonize the new...
  14. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    I strongly disagree with your descriptive use of 'hell hole' of Europe and would conjecture the antithesis. The flowering of political thought, philosophical didactics, and scientific discoveries occured mostly in Europe during the 18th and 19th century. To name but a few of such discoveries...
  15. USAHawk785

    12.9% unemployment in Italia

    lol ! vous avez raison!
  16. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    A native Frenchman is person whose ancestors were, through the ages, from France, and of Gallic and Visigothic (western Germanic) ancestry. A native Frenchman is a white-caucasian. A Frenchman is an individual who sings pride to see the tricolors of France, who is passionate about the glorious...
  17. USAHawk785

    12.9% unemployment in Italia

    il ressemble à un cochon!
  18. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    As a European-American and have roots from Prussia (father's side) and Britain (mother's side), the concept of 'Europe' has always been of symbolic significance for myself and i would deign to say for other White-Americans. Europe represents the progenitor of White-Americans, who are a product...
  19. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    Native French are people who are descendents of the Gallic and Proto-Visigothic tribes that inhabit present day France. Time to deport the ingrates back to their native countries. I have relatives in Gloucestershire (UK) and they tell me there's a lot of African immigrants there ; are given...
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