It does not matter how all the turk apologists in the world try to spin this, hopefully the Europeans realize the turkish problem within their countries and formulate a solution to it
You seem to have very poor reading skills as recent terrorists incidents in turkey by Isis in the last few months prove that Isis has free reign in turkey. That means the next major tragedy is most likely to happen in turkey. It's best if western and Russian tourists completely divest...
As the sole cause of everything wrong in the middle east( and much of the world) turkey must accept the consequences of its failed policies no matter how painful those consequences may be
Poor alternative as the entire country is made up of Isis sympathizers. Russia should at least bring their own baggage handlers as the Turks can't be trusted to do the job. Either way a big loss to the Egyptian economy caused by Turkish supported terrorism in Egypt. The Egyptian people should...
The Us should not try to appease Isis by taking the most effective ground troops out of the fight. The gas is a joke and gave all us supplied weapons to al Qaeda. Russia might step and fulfill arms to the Kurds as revenge against Isis and turkey for the metro jet.
Take only women and children and give the ones most likely to be terrorists to turkey. That way, if the suspicions turn out to be true, nothing of value will be lost