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    India's futuristic soldier to be ready in three years

    Is there any news on this or was this from the same source --------- Indian scientists are turning to an ancient Hindu text in their search for the secrets of effective stealth warfare. (We) do not for a moment think that the idea is crazy Professor SV Bhavasar They believe...
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    How brutally was Arshad Pappu killed?

    Link please....................
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    I know, I am just trying to explain the position to the other member who is letting his emotions get the better of him.something that should have been dealt with in the early stages and settled lead to this embarrassment for both countries to try and save some face.
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    First thing, you cannot just leave out the issue of immunity from any discussion http://untreaty.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_1_1961.pdf Now, firstly the Indian First Incident Report FIR states that this incident happened 33 miles from India, this then got changed to...
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    I thought that as well, but hey ho, at least he tried. And by the way to sri, this is only after conviction, so they would infact come under the Bail Act
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    Ian surprised at your silly comments when quoting myself without any concept of the legal framework. First thing, India cannot out on trial any national for an incident in International waters......cannot is the word here. international waters is for International Courtsto decide, not India...
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    This is the point I was making earlier, the sheer arrogance of Indians is truly amazing and pathetic to say the least. The mere fact that the incident happened in International waterskiing was initially disputed and then admitted and the fact that the Italians, despite this fact respected India...
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    Ease stick with the thread, I was responding to a post which mentioned the EU, hence the reply given with the EU. Pleases tick to the discussion being had with members You Indians are just too stupid if you can't tell if that post was made by a Pakistani or a Chinese national
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    This is the main point, the Indian court is arguing that because he gave his assurance to the court, hence why by default the immunity does not exist, ACCORDING TO THEIR DECISION International law doesn't care about such things. This is an agreement made by the Sovereign nation of India to the...
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    I just don't understand, we'll I do actually, the sheer arrogance of Indians in general. Their economy is on the rise and all of a sudden they think they can take on any country in the world and that the world evolves around them. Nobody mentioned anything about a military confrontation anyway...
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    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    In all fairness, India cannot enforce its local law against that of the Geneva Convention with terms of diplomatic immunity which includes free from detention and arrest, however this also raises two points: Why did the envoy enter himself into a domestic judicial set up in the first place...
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    Pakistani drones with strike capability

    I wouldn't get carried away here, it appears that the US may be trying to murky the waters for any potential war crimes tribunal or hearing by arousing the suspicion that it maybe the CIA but it also may be the Pakistanis themselves. Too early to say yet, Mods please close thread till...
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    Pakistani drones with strike capability

    http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/05/world/asia/us-disavows-2-drone-strikes-over-pakistan.html ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — When news of the two latest drone strikes emerged from Pakistan’s tribal belt in early February, it seemed to be business as usual by the C.I.A. Local and...
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    Pakistani drones with strike capability

    Not sure how true this could be ------- Pakistan carried out drone attacks in Feb: US officials,3/5/2013 3:03:30 PM Pakistan had carried out drone attacks in tribal region in the month of February, the United States officials revealed. The US officials said that CIA has no...
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    Did Americans stage 9/11?

    Well, lets put it this way BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive. That link in itself says it all........... However, lets just examine a picture from the pentagon attack which was apparently done by a plane...
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    Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    Wondering off topic again happens to be a trend for Indians....... Gandhi is what is at topic and thread, and as an Indian started the thread it isn't going to be a one way street where everyone will praise such a man, hence why discussing such topics is against forum rules. If some idiot...
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    Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    Read the above comment which was quoted by me with that answer before getting a little trigger happy...............
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    Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    Pathetic...........if your going to copy and paste wikipedia then at least add the link here as well..... anyway, There wasn’t a war that Gandhi did not support. He was Sergeant Major in the British Army & won a medal for his combat service. The truth behind the mask. Behold Sergeant Major...
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    Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    Gosh do Indians make a point at being daft or what............ Firstly, learn the meaning of the word Jihad, then come and talk to me about it, as Muslims were not the only ones to do it, Hindus and Sikhs did a Jihad also........... for your info, it means to strive and struggle for...
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    Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    What planet are you on........... most of his racial abuse is in his own writings/memoirs........ lol Gandhi actively participated in the Zulu wars as a soldier for the British.......... he was a murderer with blood on his hands........ lets not get microscopical here shall we...... His...
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