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  1. M

    The Filth in Erdogan's Closet

    http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/28/opinion/the-filth-in-erdogans-closet.html Islamists found out to be corrupt and vicious. What are the chances.
  2. M

    Pakistan's State of Denial

  3. M

    Wealthy Chinese leave the country

    Isn't the whole communist party a bunch of thugs and criminals?
  4. M

    Dr. Abdus Salam: A question

    Egyptians have named a whole science city after their Nobel Laureate and are benefiting from it. Brainless Punjabis however have no such vision. Zewail City theoretical physics research highlighted in international media sparks debate about the beginning of the Universe | Zewail City of...
  5. M

    Dr. Abdus Salam: A question

    I read below comment on this article;
  6. M

    Islam vs. Islamists

  7. M

    Wealthy Chinese leave the country

    Its also possibly because of all that pollution. What good is all that wealth if you are coughing yourself to death.
  8. M

    How Balochistan gained independence

    It’s unlikely that any Punjabi would learn anything from this satirical peace. As usual these scums would blame everyone except themselves.
  9. M

    Muslim staff at Marks & Spencer can refuse to sell alcohol and pork

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/10532782/Muslim-staff-at-Marks-and-Spencer-can-refuse-to-sell-alcohol-and-pork.html These Islamist scums get so much respect in the west while they are killing everyone in their own countries.
  10. M

    How Balochistan gained independence

  11. M

    Are we seeing the emergence of 'dictator' Xi?

    Chinese leadership is on the payroll of international bankers. Rest is just hog wash. Just like Nazi Germany was supported by Wall Street bankers so is Commie China. I winder if China is also being prepared for a world war like Nazi Germany was. JPMorgan 'Paid Daughter of China's Ex-PM Wen...
  12. M

    Is China making the same mistakes as Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany?: Gwyn

    Personally I feel China under Commies is increasingly becoming like Nazi Germany. Chinese people are high on wealth and military power that they have accumulated recently and nationalistic feelings run high; both are in line with Nazi Germany under Hitler. Add to that the fact that Chinese...
  13. M

    Terrorists for Human Rights

    Terrorists for Human Rights - The Daily Beast
  14. M

    British doctor, 72, beaten and jailed in PK after filmed reading the Koran

    In prison: Masood Ahmad, 72, was filmed reading the Qur'an by two men posing as patients, before they beat him. Punjabi scums at it again. I am sure a Punjabi scum would soon come and start justifying this from his backside, using his filthy religion as an excuse. It’s hard to believe these...
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    British doctor, 72, beaten and jailed in PK after filmed reading the Koran

    Read more: British doctor beaten up jailed in Pakistan for 'posing as a Muslim' | Mail Online Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  16. M

    A question of common Pakistani

    You mean why I don't support Islamist mass murderers and rapists? Yeah I know its crazy.
  17. M

    Zubair Umar, a brother of prominent PTI leader appointed new the Privatisation Commission

    Are these the brothers whose father General Ghulam Umar is a war criminal of 1971 and was recommended in Hamoodur Rehman report to be put on trial for his crimes? Punjabi establishment takes cares of its own very well.
  18. M

    A question of common Pakistani

    Trust Punjabis to always support terrorists.
  19. M

    The man who helped design the Pakistani bomb

    I think you are mixing him with Rafiudin a completely different person. This guy ended up a professor in Government College and was pioneer in nuclear research. He is also mentioned in the above article. Rizauddin on the other hand was still studying at GC in 1951.
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