Even more funny was the role of Catherine Ashton and Victoria nuland in helping the right sector kooks topple yanokvich in ukraine and bring a junta to power. West is creating chaos everywhere.
Truthfully , Soviet military was a much stronger one compared to US military .But its communist party and the KGB had considerable pro-atlanticist fifth column. This enabled the installation of Gorbachev and the future oiligarchs to be who sold out USSR for massive bribes
Comparably ,this was...
India can destroy any Ahmed Shah Abdali totally today. If the CIA and US military get their foot in and they decide that India is a potential threat ,then India is in big trouble.
Exception of Russian Federation no one can touch USA. And US policies are meant to help its oiligarchs not its citizens.
One of the lowest .Not the lowest.
Like I said. India has asked USA,UAE,Pakistan to extradite Dawood several times. India bought several billion USD equipment from USA. But extradition noob still.
Second,de-dollarization is underway .And China is diversifying .Rather hedging its risks when it uses currency swaps and invests in...
Its already started.
The Nail In The Petrodollar Coffin: Gazprom Begins Accepting Payment For Oil In Ruble, Yuan | Zero Hedge
BBC News - China buying oil from Iran with yuan
Rise of the PetroYuan | Dan Collins | FINANCIAL SENSE
I suggest keep that ill-informed arrogance elswhere.
Pakistan needs a removal of the islamist govts and islamist parties and establishment of a secular regime like that of Assad or Karimov of Uzbekistan or Ataturk of Turkey .Pakistan has its use as a buffer state . Third,a right to return of hindus ,Sikhs,Ahmaddiyas who were removed,ethnically...
Lol,already have stated . We took Kashmir,Hyderabad,Gujarat ,East Pakistan and could you stop us ?
And in UP a muslim slaughtered a cow near hindu .He got killed.