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  1. below_freezing

    Cnooc Deploys Oil Rig as Weapon to Assert China Sea Claims

    And the occupation of 2 sovereign nations is totally defensive and peaceful.
  2. below_freezing

    Cnooc Deploys Oil Rig as Weapon to Assert China Sea Claims

    this is intellectual dishonesty at its finest.
  3. below_freezing

    Iran accepts renminbi for crude oil

    Renminbi on the Rise In just six months, cross-border trade settlements witnessed a 10-fold increase from RMB10b (NZD2b) per month in June 2010 to RMB101b (NZD19.8b) per month in December 2010.[1] :rofl:
  4. below_freezing

    Iran accepts renminbi for crude oil

    China´s cross-border RMB settlement hits 2.58 trillion yuan CCTV News - CNTV English BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- China's cross-border trade settlement in yuan under current accounts hit 2.58 trillion yuan (408 billion U.S. dollars) by the end of 2011 since China launched the pilot program in...
  5. below_freezing

    Iran accepts renminbi for crude oil

    http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/27/business/global/china-and-japan-in-currency-agreement.html :rofl:
  6. below_freezing

    Chinese pupils hooked up to IV drips to keep them going while studying for

    it is ridiculous. this story is actually very near my hometown. Xiaogan is less than 100 km away from me and in the same province. The problem is that exam difficulty varies with province due to every province having uneven educational resources, so the exams are needed to change in difficulty...
  7. below_freezing

    Iran accepts renminbi for crude oil

    Is that your photo? ±±·½Î¢µç×Ó¹«Ë¾* Beijing NMC Co.,Ltd. Their website looks quite professional and well done. They are a manufacturer of plasma etchers for 300 mm wafers, PVD machinery and industrial controls. More importantly, they have an established reputation in Europe, with clients in...
  8. below_freezing

    Chinese pupils hooked up to IV drips to keep them going while studying for

    I don't approve of this at all. Too much pressure on the students. However, this shows that they have motivation. Gaokao is a big deal. It's a once per year exam, and though you can repeat it as many times as you want, usually people give up after 2-3 tries. It is a vital part of college...
  9. below_freezing

    Chinese getting tired of ‘Made in China’

    Like I said before, the plastic crap's bad, so if you buy it, it's your fault. If the boilers are bad, then why did Shanghai Electric just win an 8 billion dollar deal from Reliance Industries for that very product, along with gas turbines? Are you saying that an army of risk analysts...
  10. below_freezing

    China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

    Nope, it's not me saying it, it's Chosun Ilbo, a Korean paper.
  11. below_freezing

    Police: Indian child killed as human sacrifice

    No one knows if the story is true. Police are still investigating and they've found no evidence yet. However, the story in India is true, and people have already been arrested.
  12. below_freezing

    Chinese getting tired of ‘Made in China’

    Opposite. The capitalist owned corporations often have lower quality due to cutting corners to maximize profit. This is done mostly by Taiwanese owned manufacturers. The state owned industries are the ones with the absolute highest standards because they don't have to worry about profitability...
  13. below_freezing

    China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

    Chosun Ilbo says you're wrong.
  14. below_freezing

    China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

    Chosun Ilbo clearly said that it was Koreans consuming this product and that it was due to Korean culture. Sorry.
  15. below_freezing

    32 Chinese ships in shoal, bar Pinoy fishers

    Vietnam replies by attacking Vietnamese citizens who happen to be of Chinese descent. That means Vietnam = Nazi. There is no difference between that, and Hitler attacking Jews born in Germany of German citizenship.
  16. below_freezing

    China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

    Sorry, Chosun Ilbo says you're wrong. Who is more Korean, Chosun Ilbo or an American in New york... I'll take Chosun Ilbo.
  17. below_freezing

    32 Chinese ships in shoal, bar Pinoy fishers

    They were Vietnamese citizens born and raised in Vietnam, sorry. That just makes you like Hitler who killed millions of German Jews. Vietnam = Nazi.
  18. below_freezing

    Police: Indian child killed as human sacrifice

    Because that's what the accusation was. However, there's absolutely no doubt that a 7 year old child was killed in India.
  19. below_freezing

    China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

    we don't know if the story is true. the police haven't found anything yet. in addition the accusation is that it used aborted fetuses.
  20. below_freezing

    Police: Indian child killed as human sacrifice

    There's a vast difference between already dead aborted fetuses (if the story is true) and killing a 7 year old child.
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