Dear pakistani’s nobody in India cares about chinas’s jf-17! Stop derailing the thread about India’s success for its atgm? Where the f-k are the mods!?!
Yea right propaganda at its fullest! If they loved it so much, you wouldnt be putting 1 million chinese muslkms in re education camps haha! Where is the UN rights commision and OPEC noe lmao! Reality is exposed fukkers
Domestic? Haha you wish! You havent seen the hatred of Other Indians yet trust me when you do there will be an exodus to pakistan or everyone will come to settle and buy up Kashmir
You dislike the term Indian becoz it belittles your country. You and others are so quick to say oh India was never united when in reality we know with proof it was. Why should India acknowledge Pakistan when muslims invader did just that invade from outside with the intent to destroy India...
Ancient India spread its sphere of influence and religious identity even further than your map! Include Afghanistan as well! There are reports that Indian Kings used to get together along with other kingdoms outside of India to celebrate festivals and exchange ideas. Honestly, Pakistani's are...
Definitely to cut down on the auxiliary staff who do the chores that in most modern armies fall to the soldiers.
Cant believe Congress never acted upon this! Oh wait why the f-k am I not surprised.....its Congeess after all...too busy counting the money they make off corruption
Born and raised in the Bronx....nobody touched me........attempts made....and I dealt with it...I don't group myself with no Pakistani and that's a mf-ing fact...none of us do....stop dreaming kid....regularly get bullied by ricans and niggas?? Don't know about that life....maybe you have such...