Honestly I don't think we are going to receive any of the ordered F35s. We should stop dreaming and start aim on other brands. Its probably better to buy russian jets instead of throwing away money on US garbage as they probably would never let us do anything with these planes anyway.
Canikli, S-400'lerden vazgeçmenin söz konusu olmadığının da altını çizdi.
Memlekette sucuk niyetine kimbilir ne essek ve yaban domuzu yedirmislerdir millete. Sirptan korkucana icimizdeki imansizlardan daha cok endise ederim :undecided:
Volvo sold 424 772 cars in total 2016 and it has several models and still makes profit. Koc does not have the balls to take this risk because he is used to get the non risk business. Remember the Bird (Kus) series :-)
Whats your problem with this guy? He have done much more than any energy minister in Turkey in a short time he have big visions and can make these visions to reality.
So what will these money get Turkey? Is it money for new projects or accelerate projects that are in pipeline or will we buy some advanced stuff next year and therefor the need of extra money?
Yes but we do not have the Hisar or the pantzir the only one is 35mm will that be enough for the first delivery of the S-400 batch? Do you think they also ordered pantzir?
Now when we are gonna get the S-400 systems to Turkey another question came up how will we protect these systems from the enemies if they are attacking with for example "tomahawks" or other cruise missiles? we cant send the s-400 to every single missile.