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  1. Kitco

    Turkish Directed Energy Weapons

    How far are we from a final product?
  2. Kitco

    Turkish Engine Programs

    Well Taiwan has it south korea has it even Turkish companies produce 5 axis cnc mashines like dirinler
  3. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Kendine bicilen rolu oynadi ve gitti. Hadi darisi siradakine
  4. Kitco

    Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    So what is happening? Its middle of july and nothing new about drilling, have they started yet or when is it planned to start?
  5. Kitco

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    Next question is how can we protect our ships from these lasers not burning our hull?
  6. Kitco

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    what about the mission computer programing will it be 100% indegious? Or is there going to be supported by foregine companies? That would be a big risk to use non Turkish companies for this.
  7. Kitco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    It would also make us untrustable as a strategic partner in the future
  8. Kitco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    One thing i dont understand is the s400 deal! Erdogan said the system is payed and delivery starts next year, the americans still insist to cancel the deal, is it really possible to cancel it now? What would the russians do? Is it worth to ruin the bussiness with russia?
  9. Kitco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Dönekler ilkbasta dogru tarafla ittifak arayisinda olsaydin inanirdik. Fakat siz bilebile CHP ile erdogani devirmeye kalktiniz. CHPnin pkkyi desteklemesine ragmen onunla ic iceydiniz.
  10. Kitco

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    So on which Azerbaijan planes will these SOM be used on?
  11. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    In Turkish we have a word "anten tak" Its a tragedy that you say you are such a Turk but you cant even f**ing write in Turkish.
  12. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    No! You need to calm down and obey to the turkish people
  13. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Meclisteki cogunluk nasil olur sizce, AKP MHP isi götururmu yoksa aralarinda zorluklar cikarmi? Suan AKP Tekbasina cogunlugu surduremiyecek gibi.
  14. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Aha suraya bak yaziyorum, gelecek secimde nasilda buraya gelip yine ayni hecanla ayni gazla yazilar yazican :cheers:
  15. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Haftalardi burda kiclarini yirtillar "ince for president diye diye" karsilarinda yine milleti buldular. :smitten: Hani bide bi kari vardi ya "Ben Baaaasbakan olacaaaam" yazik ne hallere geldi.
  16. Kitco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Are you f**ing joking or what The man who promises to release selo and wipe of PKK how old are you?
  17. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Her secim öncesi gibi basladi ruyalar :yahoo:Sulalem gecen sefer AKP'ye verdi oylari, busefer en az 50 oy CHP gibi masallar. At atabildiginiz kadar nasil olsa beles :welcome:
  18. Kitco

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Öburtarafi boyladiginda umarim vasiyetinde camiyle isim olmaz yazdirirsinda imamin vaktini bosuna almazsin :yahoo::yahoo:
  19. Kitco

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    Can we reach their landing strips for their airforce with our bora's? Then i dont se any problem they cant keep their planes flying forever.
  20. Kitco

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    Yes, but its not enough for average Mehmet sitting home whatching news as spectators. We want to read about killed terrorists not neutralised :yahoo:
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