What does the coloured map mean exactly? Why are area with about 20-40% han shaded in red/pink only, what about the other 60-80%? They can't be goats.
A better representation would be just a single colour with different shade corresponding to percentage of Uyghur population alone. If you want...
It's not nice to bad-mouth Russia's failure when China cannot make rockets with the same capabilities and have to rely on russian rockets.
I hope they are making progress on long march 5 and next gen heavy lift rockets. It is important for deep space exploration and heavy duty stuff.
The rifle they took was a type 95 assault. They carried about 700 rounds for three different rifle types. ( Possibly they can be used inter-changeably)
Apparently one was a sargeant aged 23 and all other three was in their teens. The older one may have been the ringleader.
Making fun of the poor is not cool. Poor people deserves the same respect as any other.
Do you think you would look more handsome than them if you have the same living conditions?
That's quite normal. Antagonism is sharpest when someone is closed to overtaking you or just after overtaking you when the difference is still small. Chine only surpassed Germany in recent years, she surpassed France before that, and look what a drama they made about the 2008 olympics.
Industries needs water. I guess China don't have to cut off water completely, just enough to slow other's war machines.
But this step will not be taken unless things start going really bad.
In Taiwan it is conscription for grunts but officers had to be at least 160cm. This was back in my dad's days so it should be almost completely within reach for all men today.
I don't think it is realistic to train that many people in real time seriously. But I heard that high school graduates and freshman do take some form of basic training.
China and India is mentioned in one sentence because if one country even shows sign of a twitch, the end result may be both uping the antics in afghanistan, and both loses.
But if India is making major movements it will be hard for China not to pay attention, because afghanistan is important...