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  1. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    geography says otherwise...i dont know if in your map shows swat,buner and other towns of gandhara civilization in india:lol:
  2. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    you had left the thread...now what happened?this is your inferiority complex that is bringing you back to this thread to spread false propoganda...i have already proved...Kamasutra and Khajurao Civilizations are trademark of india ..you can start a thread on them and we can talk about them and...
  3. red_baron

    Amazing Swat !!

    Swat the capital of Gandhara Civilization:pakistan:
  4. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    if i am gonna get banned cause i enlightened indians regarding their hometown civilizations then let it be so...it was a nice thread and you indians ruined it with your typical inferiority complex.
  5. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    someone sitting in kerala 3500 kilometers away taking interest in a civilization in a foreign land thousands of miles away....indians are funny indeed and inferiority complexed too
  6. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    are u a retard or what?this thread is not on Mahmud ghazni...are you blind or what dragging politics in......this thread is about the local people of gandhara and the natural geographical beauty it possess and that it flourished in modern day Pakistan.
  7. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    its a shame your country has not a single civilization of which you are proud of.....you can be proud of kamasutra civilization or khajurao civilization if u want to,no ones stopping you
  8. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    ruler dosent matters..they come and go..this thread is about the gandhara civilization that flourished in modern day Pakistan and is about the local people and natural geographical marvels it reflects...
  9. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    you wanna claim gandhara civilization sitting in tamil nadu 3500 kilometers away??:lol:
  10. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    these indians living on a stolen name...they named their entire junkyard after a river that flows in Pakistan...and they have to crap every thread with their inferiority complex:lol:
  11. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    the Civilization represents not the ruler but the local people and the geographical land....whocares whether we was from tamilnadu or moscow:bunny:..bottom line is it flourished in Pakistan
  12. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    Mahergarh Civilization 8000BC,,,home of the indus valley civilization....5000 years of Pakistani Civilization:cheers:
  13. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    this civilization represents the local people and the geographical land not the ruler...google if u want to know the name
  14. red_baron

    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    A long time ago when men were all knaves There was a land of the free Fantasy and dreams Were its untouched wealth And goodness and love were real Each man desires to reach Gandhara :pakistan: haters gonna hate:lol:
  15. red_baron

    Allow me to prove my innocence: Sarabjit

    we got a dead man talking ---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ---------- he is already proven guilty by all competent forums....this Raw terrorist deserves no mercy
  16. red_baron

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    if u zoom in you will see insignia's look same here take a look so i would say they are rajputana rifles too
  17. red_baron

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    it could be that the guy is wrong or you could me mistaken too,,,but in my personal opinion they are rajputana rifles cause the guy who posted it said so and he was indian.
  18. red_baron

    K-8 Karakorum a ground attack aircraft possibility

    it dosent has a radar i think
  19. red_baron

    How not to fire your weapon.

    whats so epic about it?entire purpose of this thread was to post this old video...that was a young recruit and that was probably his first throw....it shows the bravery and rapid response of his senior at the same time
  20. red_baron

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    i took it from militaryphotos website and it was posted as rajputana rifles......anyways they are all same regardless of what peacock hat they are wearing
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