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  1. N

    Chinese think India backward

    India, "Super Power" in child abuses, no contest. Two out of every three children in India are physically abused, according to a landmark government study. And you wonder why people in the world think you are backward ? BBC NEWS | South Asia | Abuse of Indian children 'common'
  2. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Air pollution causes five million deaths each year in India: minister | ZAP! Electric Vehicles AGRA, India (AFP) - As many as five million deaths are caused by air pollution every year in India, the country's junior Environment and Forest Minister Namo Narayan Meena said.
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    Chinese think India backward

    Whats the matter ? running out of bullets ? giving a source from "Vioce of America ? The "Official propaganda machine of USA" ? Bravo, the first time i saw idiot debate with a souce from VOA. Well, how low can a Indian go ?:rofl::rofl:
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    Chinese think India backward

    Let me show you why Indians were despise around the world, cos their sick behavior like animal kingdom. The scale of abuse, according to the national study, is far worse than anybody had thought. It reports that 69 per cent of all Indian children are victims of physical, mental or emotional...
  5. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Never mind any so-called million of missing girl in China, put more focus on whats burning your own a@s now and 100% confirmed, Indian babies massacre every single day. 2 million per year and still counting. Congrates, a new "Crown" for Indians only " Child-death Capital" India has...
  6. N

    Chinese think India backward

    And i am your d.., love you son.
  7. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Check your a@s, you freaking low life idiot debating without proper source, "link" outdated so-called source, i ain't f...... wasting my time on a shameless loser period.
  8. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Typical low life Indian mentality in full display,where in your source said 60 million missing girl in China ? Stop lying, all its said is 60 million in whole Asia. Discrimination against girls may begin in the womb. In some countries, a strong preference for sons has led to the...
  9. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Who you trying to fool, those never bother to read your "Source" Discrimination against girls may begin in the womb. In some countries, a strong preference for sons has led to the elimination of millions of girls through prenatal sex selection. Baby girls also die through deliberate neglect...
  10. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Better save your sorrow for the unfortunate Indians, look at those poor souls, its just so sad; India has unofficially become the world's child death capital, with a study claiming that over 5,000 children die in the country every day of "totally preventable causes". According to the...
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    Clinton headed to China for economic talks

    Yes bro, you made a big mistake, i here by will "Timeout" your membership of "Chinese playboy fan club" until further notice.:rofl: :cheers::china:
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    Clinton headed to China for economic talks

    Bro, are you kidding me ? clinton=beautiful women? i will rather say she is one tough cookies though.
  13. N

    Taiwan developing 'carrier killer'

    Before you further show your poor knowledge regarding taiwan, let me tell you a true story about how taiwanese see Indians in their eyes, the local native consider Indians thats work in taiwan as "slaves", especially those illegal one, you wouldn't want to know whats Indian's working condition...
  14. N

    French indigenous technology is highly questionable

    French ? inviting Germen for a cake walk without even putting up a decent fight ? 1940 Nazis invade Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg (May 10). Chamberlain resigns as Britain's prime minister; Churchill takes over (May 10). Germans cross French frontier (May 12) using air/tank/infantry...
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    India pavilion at Shanghai expo gets huge footfall

    Holographic "Cities of Harmony"; India Pavilion, Expo2010 on Vimeo Video inside the link, enjoy.:cheers:
  16. N

    Chinese think India backward

    Hmm, what level ? hope you not talking about Indian's one. I am just showing the reality of Indians in HK, since someone ask me about it. Sorry if you can't handle the "truth" thats nothing i can do about it. Now, let me show you the privileges Indians are getting in HK. See, Indians...
  17. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Feel the power being an Indian its never too late ? What power, power to eat mud ? With not enough food, children learn to eat mud - Economy and Politics - livemint.com Free India occupied Kashmir
  18. N

    Taiwan developing 'carrier killer'

    Becareful whats you wish for, their "carrier killer" got a pretty good chance aiming at your carrier since they have claim more border disputes with India than PRC.:azn::partay:
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    Chinese think India backward

    Well, people in HongKong do not think Indians are backward, infact we have a lot of respect for Indians, cos they usually get the best jobs in HK, well educated , well dressed,of cos not those thousands of illegal one, most of them could speak fluent cantonese. They call us "Panyao" we call...
  20. N

    China launches Xinjiang rejuvenation drive

    Are you talking about this country ? India has unofficially become the world's child death capital, with a study claiming that over 5,000 children die in the country every day of "totally preventable causes". According to the study, Child Health Now, by the NGO World Vision, India...
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