No, RSS and the NCC are not the same.
The NCC is affiliated to the military. RSS is not, its a NGO. It has nothing to do in education. And definitely not research
The NCC sticks to the principles to which the military sticks as well:
Its truly secular, the RSS does not.
It abides to every...
No, Indian law does not put anyone above the law because he/she is wearing an uniform.
From the simple sepoy to a general... anyone can get punished for his/her crimes.
I mean we are not the ones who ended up with a military dictatorship cough cough :rolleyes:
And? Is that a reason for it to interfere into education which should be free from any religious influence?
And why are cherry picking? The RSS is a NGO as well, not a democratically elected body of the country.
IITs need to be governed by scientists, not medieval era RSS shakhas and other...
Yeah sure, you were the one making blunt statements:
All are Hindus because our ancestors were.
I make the counter argument that we are all African cavemen too because .... our ancestors were.
Your response to that: Hot air.
You claim to be a spokesman for ancient Indians who had much...