wahabi lier when did I ever say that?
I said my wife is half Iranian, my mother is greek and my father is american. I was born in the USA.
what's got to do with you anyway? lowlife don't change the subject.
I have a life, but I do not try and cover up something ugly like this guys is doing.
well done for defending him. Mumbai attack in your country was because ideology from this guys extremist nation.
why you defending then? these people will end up trying to blow you Chinese up.
you will not be defending them after you get a 9/11 in your country....
These people are such a lowlifes man, they search a net looking for anything to post to make their country seem good lol.
you country is backward, you are nothing but a terrorists organisation is a desert.
First of all it is just me there no you guys.
and I don't want to know how you feel.
you are like a common rock who wished it was diamond.
you are probably crying right now. The Persian civilization will always be regarded as a fantastic culture no matter how much we hate their regime.
What makes one extremely angry is that these people actually think their culture or scientific advances are anywhere near Iran.
Iran is an extremely unique country and we will always respect the persian people.
their regime will die one day and they will re live the glory of their ancient root...