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  1. AerospaceEngineer

    Why Indian SSN/SSBNs are Superior to Chinese ones?

    Why bhangee SSN/SSBN are suberior to Chinese SSN/SSBN ?? Because bhangee SSN/SSBN do not even exist !! That is why they are suberior(indian english) or in western English inferior to Chinese SSN/SSBN !! Got it now bhangees ?
  2. AerospaceEngineer

    China submarines to soon carry nukes

    Nah, not a shock at all. Unlike your junk carrier which just blow up 7 boilers and delayed for at least another 2 years ! China is now working to have continous Sea based nuke capability. Meaning that obtaining at least 8 SSBN. Your gutter hole india can not even make a SSK and talking...
  3. AerospaceEngineer

    China's new attack helicopter

    It is flying with WZ-9. You indians can not even make LCA operational even with American engines.
  4. AerospaceEngineer

    Pakistan will soon get J10

    Sub Human indian troll, we meet yet again. Your sub human country you call india can not even make a obslete LCA work and now you trolled again at China's jet engine. I see your inferiorty complex at work yet again and your sub human low cast, low life indian nature. But that's ok, it...
  5. AerospaceEngineer

    China's first aircraft carrier delivered to the Navy TODAY!

    Thats true. From what I have heard on Chinese language defence froums. 1. One 80,000 ton carrier build in the North with two steam CATs and ramp, it will have three elevators and much smaller island this is gonna be a huge improvement over the Varyag. 2. One 85,000 ton carrier build in the...
  6. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    Oh is it ? Why wont they dare to start the attack ? Since they are so under " control " by its grand master USA ?? I remember correctly they are backed up by USN right ? Verbel warning form cost guard ? lol Even the USN when operating in South China sea were given the comand that:" Do not ever...
  7. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    This will cost the indians at least 500 million dollars more to repair this junk !! China got Varyag which is far better than this junk and it is completed by China. So you can understand why these indians have such inferiorty complex now !! Especially Aishiek !
  8. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    You mean Taiwan. Thats ok, because once we have 3 operational CVs we can take that island easily !! Not so lucky for shoopaaa powowaaa india. You do not even dare to touch Pakistan now, because they will just nuke you back to ice age !! Remember the 2008 bombay attacks ? India did not dare to...
  9. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    8.4 T. That is 4.5 time the size of shoooopaaaa poooowaaa india.
  10. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    lol, really ? Guess what they can not stop us from landing on that island right ? And the "mighty " indian navy can not stop the USN from jumping up and down in your beloved indian ocean ? lol. Remember this quote: " indian ocean was, is and will be india's ocean". But it seems that you...
  11. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    lol, I left this place for a much better location ! There is no permanate ban here ! Unlike you, you were banned many many times already yet still stick around ! BTW, are you happy with this news? You junk got crippled AGAIN ! lol Oh, China just got another stealth fighter !!
  12. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    Of course, China could !! Besides, no one need to "challange" ( tease) the outdatd harmless indian navy. Cause now it is completely checked by the USN. In the near future maby 10 years, it will be checked by the PLAN !
  13. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    lol, briliant !! Indians are even slower and costlier ! Look at their crap the P-15 class DDG, lunched in 2004 and now still a rotting piece of floating junk ! Look at China, now has 6 052C AEGIS, and 3 more 052D to come ! Look at China again, 2011, J-20, and now 2012, J-31 thats...
  14. AerospaceEngineer

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    That is because you worthless indians are that "amazing ". Spending 3 billion dollars on this junk and now it got delayed for another year. LOL BTW, China just got another stealth fighter and guess what, Varyag has no problem with her engine. Unlike yours blow up again ! :lol:
  15. AerospaceEngineer

    Type 052D DDG revealed

    _______________________________________________________ That is because the low life indians are truly pathatic by nature. Even if they try to "copy " they will not be able to do it since they are so so backward ! Now they have to spend 12 billion dollars buying outdated junks like...
  16. AerospaceEngineer

    China develops a robot that walks and jumps on water

    They will not live to take power !! China will SMASH Taiwan and take it over by force within the next 20 years. If you canadians want to help them out then go ahead. We will be glad to DESTORY canada !
  17. AerospaceEngineer

    Chinese Naval Boats Enter Black Sea For First Time

    This is bull crap. South Korean Navy is not even close to that of Chinese navy. Not more advancd, and a lot smaller.
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