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  1. D

    Happy Diwali

    Happy Diwali. May the concept of light overcoming darkness embrace Asia
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    India-Pakistan criticised on World Food Day

    USA will never destroy its nukes. China is smart enough to concentrate its wealth on its nation. Chinese government trickles its money down to its people via infrastructure and technology etc. Daily reports of corrupt officials being sentenced to death are read. China is a booming economy and...
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    Arunachal shows China how democracy works

    No I did not. If I want to read junk I will go to the AWB website or SANAZI org website. I don't care to waste my time reading the messages of no hopers in any country's political system. On that basis I will not read hindu extremist websites or the taliban's website or the movement for a...
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    Arunachal shows China how democracy works

    Oh pulleeazzee. I will not waste my time reading a Hindu website. Next you will be referring me to the website of the VHP etc. That is democracy see. Even the lunatics are allowed to voice their policies. It all comes with freedom. Here in South Africa we still have white right wing Nazi parties...
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    India-Pakistan criticised on World Food Day

    India and Pak could learn from South Africa. Only nation in the world to voluntarily destroy its nuclear arsenal and to reduce its military budget to concentrate on internal social issues such as poverty alleviaton and infrastructure development. A country at peace with the world is also at...
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    Arunachal shows China how democracy works

    Kashmir has its democratic right. Last time I checked the people of Kashmir are participants in choosing a representative to the Indian parliament. Being a state of India, that is their democratic right which is not denied to them :pop:
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    Arunachal shows China how democracy works

    "Caste democracy" ?? Off course you must be rather confused as to what the people of the USA are up to when they queue to vote. In a democracy you either get a full democracy or no democracy. There isn't any inbetweens. India has a full democracy. China has no democracy. So before trying to spit...
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    13-yr-old kills 45 in Pak

    A 13 year old sent by these cowards to maim and kill. If they want martyrs why don't they take a gun and challenge the army head on instead of getting kids to strap on bombs. The picture of the family is tragic. I hope that the Pak army roots out these barbarians from their caves and make em pay...
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    Maria Toor from South Waziristan: Pakistan's Female Squash Champion

    We have a southern African player exchange programme for young talented squash players. We arrange for inter country tournaments on a quarterly basis. Does Asia have any such league tournaments? It would be great for us to arrange inter continental matches and compare our talents
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    Israel and Gujarat to develop power from ocean waves

    And Moses parted the Indian sea :rofl: I wonder which African country was awarded the contract :what:
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    India can outgrow China: Bill Clinton

    Is Clinton implying that India can only outgrow China if it has Pakistan's assistance? Strange that he makes this speech knowing the fragmented history between India and Pakistan.
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    Maria Toor from South Waziristan: Pakistan's Female Squash Champion

    It must be. I am a fanatical player myself. Great to see that squash is breaking ground there.
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    India can outgrow China: Bill Clinton

    You forgot the usual rantings about cow worshipping and ****** slums etc and how the Indian army will run away at the sight of an enemy. Also not to forget those usual lines about backstabbers. I am way too lazy to find the actual statements and post them here.
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    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Perhaps India , Pakistan, China and Bangladesh could find a new enemy to create new hate slogans and terms against the new enemy? Russia or Japan maybe a good place to start looking :rofl:
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    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Did Kargil truly serve any military or political purpose for Pakistan? What was the intent of the Pakistan army in sending in a few of their army personnel dressed as terrorists into Indian territory? They obviously did not expect to win over territory with those handful of men. In my research I...
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    AK47 caused havoc around the 3rd world. In Africa in the 80s it was a mass killing machine sent by the millions by the Soviets as a "gift of liberation". You could buy an AK47 (Russian made) for less than US$2 in those days. Now it has been practically eradicated in sub saharan Africa.
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Sadly, civilians are not the backbone of a nation's defence. When we entered Angola in the 80's, we were a bunch of mostly white soldiers entering a Black nation. If you think that the hatred between muslim and hindu and buddhist etc zealots are strong you would never know the hatred that was...
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    Turkey Kicked out Israel from Anatolian Eagle 2009

    As a muslim I must disagree with your comments. Islam is a deeply divided religion and the sooner that muslims internationally start accepting that as a fact then the sooner the rift maybe healed and the sooner we will all stop being classified as either Taliban or Al Qaeeda extremists...
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    An Indian Propaganda video

    Wow. Adolf Hitler has been reborn in the form of a cute little Indian girl. Whoever instilled such hatred in this innocent child should be charged with crime against humanity.
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    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Do not rely on Uncle Sam for help. They usually do not send in troops to help a friend. Only support you can expect from the USA is logistics and intelligence. Only time that the USA sends in troops is when they are ready to enforce a change of regime with the support of the people. I do not...
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