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  1. James David

    Tormentor Of Pakistan Air Force, IAF Chief Says Will Remember MiG-21 Fighters For Their ‘Raw Power’

    Where's that? Goodie! So now I'm from the Filipino eh? I am currently deployed in the PI you c*nt!!! That doesn't make me one! oh and still you lost Bangladesh. That doesn't change the fact you lost.. you describin' you momma? oh my...
  2. James David

    Tormentor Of Pakistan Air Force, IAF Chief Says Will Remember MiG-21 Fighters For Their ‘Raw Power’

    93,000 dudes surrendering to that mustached dude (that freakin mustach is epic by the way like Pancho Villa). End of East Pakistan... errr Bangladesh is it? :cheesy:
  3. James David

    Tormentor Of Pakistan Air Force, IAF Chief Says Will Remember MiG-21 Fighters For Their ‘Raw Power’

    That Mig 21 contributed significantly on you loosing Bangladesh. Hence, it was a tormentor to your Pakistani Airforce. Again, they won. You lost. End of story.
  4. James David

    If Iran gets a nuke, we have to get one: Saudi crown prince

    Guys guys... Iran can make a Stealth Fighter out of this air! A nuke will just be peanuts for them..
  5. James David

    Big budget blockbuster war movie " The Chinese Volunteer Army" will be shown in theaters all across China during the Chinese National Day holidays

    Your Chicoms didnt win any war in all their history. Or maybe they won in their dreams? or their war with the Klingon Empire? Romulan? maybe the Sith.. :cheesy:
  6. James David

    Big budget blockbuster war movie " The Chinese Volunteer Army" will be shown in theaters all across China during the Chinese National Day holidays

    Not your Chicoms. The Koumintang did the work. Not your Parade Line Army (PLA). Your Mao Ze Dong (Winnie the Poo's ancestor was busy running around with his tail between his legs)
  7. James David

    Japanese Warship Kaga is becoming an aircraft carrier

    You attack Taiwan, we erase your so called 2000 year history. End of story. Then we install a puppet president called Mickey Mouse to replace your Winnie the Pooh! :cheesy: :usflag:
  8. James David

    1971 East Pakistan Tragedy HISTORY REVISITED REALITY & MYTHS Series Part 01 - 05

    No Military Lessons, Pakistan lost half the country. End of story.
  9. James David

    China’s PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) The Biggest Threat To US Navy In Indo-Pacific Region – US Admiral

    and who are you again? One of the 50 cent dudes of the Parade Line Army?
  10. James David

    Nearly 1,000 F-35s have been delivered

    But.. But.. But.. them Chinese Fanboys keep on sayin back in the day the F-35 is crap and waste of money.. :cheesy:
  11. James David

    China’s PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) The Biggest Threat To US Navy In Indo-Pacific Region – US Admiral

    They as much a fire a fire cracker to a ship, we end their so called 2000 year old history. we'll make Winnie the Pooh regret he was ever born.
  12. James David

    China's Grocery Shopping Is 100 Years In The FUTURE! (AMERICA COULD NEVER)

    so you don't eat dogs there now eh? Rats then? :azn:
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