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    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    This is said by British PM. not by some banana republic leader. British is Veto member of UN security council. You will see the action soon.
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    Well we are talking two different things. My point is that nothing is classified to President of America Mr. Obama. For him these details are not new. He knows the details. US - Pakistan ties going to next level is debatable.
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    well baning me will not hide the truth and will not boosting US Pakistan ties to next level. It is my openion.
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    Drone technology transferring to pakistan?? :rofl::rofl: USA don't even allow to see it. Last time I saw pakistan requesting for some helicopters.
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    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Aid is for Drone attack and safe passage of goods through pakistan. USA hands are tied due to 2 wars. Once Iraq war ends, 100k soliders will be free. That is the time for pakistan. No more aid, no more drones. Only B-52, F-22 fighter.
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    This will be the next level. US Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Repeats Warning To Pakistan | Buzzy Times US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants Pakistan to do more to check extremists and has warned of consequences if a terrorist attack is traced back to that country. Reality...
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    For that matter pakistan not even released official finding of Benajir butto murder. ;) new US - Pakistan development.. May be extending drone coverage area !
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    ^^^ shaking hands is common.... Here is the pic of sadam hussain with US secretory of state
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    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    Well... for Obama nothing is new. He know everything. For American public it is new info.
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    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Pakistan is in bigger trouble. From the latest developments looks to me Pakistan is next in line for WOT. Similar things happened before Iraq attack. India needs to be very careful and need to secure border and intelligence agency should be in high alert. -Agni.
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    Four-year-old girl 'raped, strangled' in Karachi

    Sick person.. Cut the D**K and put salt and chilli powder on it.
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    Rise of the Chinese naval power is unstoppable

    Chinese navy is sinkable.....IMO
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    U.S. tells India weapon sales to Pakistan will continue

    India should only object freebie weapons even it is junk given to pak. If pak is buying with hard $$ cash, India should encourage to buy more and be happy.
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    2nd Test: Australia v Pakistan at Headingley, Jul 21-25, 2010

    Pakistan has capability to loose and Win the match.
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    Only one winner.. Team is INDIA
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    3 Year Extension for COAS Pakistan

    3 years is long time. Army is very disciplined organization, otherwise it will create lot of rebellions inside juniors.
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    Liquidate Pakistan & rebuild Akhand Bharat !

    We don't need any of pakistan even if they give us. 1971 war is proof of that.
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    China & Pak: Russia’s Not Stopping the Flow of JF-17 Engines

    Good news for pakistan. But it is long way.......................................................................................end we don't know.
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    India finds route to Kabul via Pakistani seaports

    Nuclear deal and Pipeline is just noise making for domestic audience. Nothing is going to happen unless USA nods head. Does not matter how many agreements are signed.
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    Parachuting donkey shocks Russian beachgoers

    Where is amenesty. Animal cruelty is sick.
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