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  1. Murshad

    Remembering " ZA Bhutto "

    Don’t worry the lately you picked so lately every body will understand how great was he:pakistan:
  2. Murshad

    Growing up in Lahore

    Please no offense. We heard all these comments from boarders who come from other cities. They compare Lahore with their native cities and pour all types of criticizing stories on Lahore. After graduation whether they get job or not in Lahore but hardly they leave Lahore. No offense...
  3. Murshad

    UN report leaves Zardari as the most logical suspect in the Benazir murder case?

    Much has been written and “analyzed” about this tragedy and some predict much more will be written and analyzed. But one aspect is crystal clear that this has caused a huge disappointment for those who were thinking that Zardari will emerge as only and only prime suspect and all others will...
  4. Murshad

    Growing up in Lahore

    Who can forget the teen years of life. Especially when this time passed in city like Lahore
  5. Murshad

    Remembering " ZA Bhutto "

    Very pleasantly surprising, a thread “Remembering ZA Bhutto " started here and really went well where majority of the members are with services background.
  6. Murshad

    Niqab becoming a flash point in Canada

    The whole issue is some thing more than a religious issue. At least I will not hesitate for a single moment to consider it more political than religious. When Quebec assembly moved a bill then a debate ignited in all corners of media. Unfortunately Quebec has decided to follow the foot step...
  7. Murshad

    Niqab for Muslim women banned in Canadian province

    posted on other thread
  8. Murshad

    JIs Terrorist Wing; IJT

    When APMSO was formed, that is in those days when Altaf used to ride Honda 50CC and wear Mao cap. Whole leadership came from IJT. That is also case in Lahore. All student “gang” leaders with exception of even less than 1%, all were breeded by IJT.
  9. Murshad

    Col Akram’s family meets Taseer

    Col Muhammad Ikram (retired) was on his way to the Allama Iqbal University sub-campus on a motorcycle when CS Javed Mahmood’s car hit the two-wheeler at Girja Chowk. The chief secretary, along with his motorcade, was returning from Lahore airport after seeing PM Yousuf Raza Gilani off...
  10. Murshad

    JIs Terrorist Wing; IJT

    From this I can infer that “music” seems to be an excuse, real cause might be that the late person might have balls to challenge these religious thugs. The “ mujahids” might have constantly looking for an opportunity, at last God gave them a chance and he was made an “example”
  11. Murshad

    Col Akram’s family meets Taseer

    So unfortunate that a person who stood guard for motherland, also his son laid his life for country, his family has to go through a “real” hard time even for filing FIR.
  12. Murshad

    PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

    Dear you are very right. Unfortunately he has not gone through a real political process. He started his career as magnet of anti-Bhutto forces, created by military establishment. At one stage he has also caused a rift among the “ranks” of invisible...
  13. Murshad

    SC’s resolve unnerves Presidency; US

    If we consider that US media is trying to run after Pak judiciary then first we to consider all frontrunner of “judiciary movement” have some what different view. Especially if we look at the “language” used by some SC judges people have started openly questioning the “behavior” of judges.
  14. Murshad

    PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

    All has been explained by a caller in one TV program as “Punjabi Army has given a finger to Punjabi judiciary and Punjabi judiciary has done same to a Punjabi politician.” Siasat.pk • View topic - Bolta Pakistan - 30th March 2010 watch this program at 32.01 min
  15. Murshad

    JIs Terrorist Wing; IJT

    Feel sorry for deceased, God bless his soul in peace. JI has always worked as instrumental tool for military establishment. Trained by them and guided by them. At one time they used to crush their opponents by tagging them as socialist, surkha and dehria then they started called all their...
  16. Murshad

    PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

    Those who have observed the “behavior of this “national” leader at the time of 12th amendment, for those NS attitude should not be unexpected. He has definitely an issue of getting credit by PPP but this issue has some coupling effect of some other issues. People also say about...
  17. Murshad

    PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

    Wonderful But they have become more open “un-intentionally”
  18. Murshad

    Bloody Riots in Rawalpindi

    My dear new routes are not solution of this problem. What ever you do transporters will find the way to “milk” money from passengers. All we need to have a well established public transport network. Private sector should be kept at certain distance.
  19. Murshad

    Bloody Riots in Rawalpindi

    Oh God like a horror story for me. Can’t even imagine. But we have realize too this is a result of blind privatization. Public transport can’t be left in the hands of greedy profit seeking business people.
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