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  1. Perceptron

    Pakistan anger at video games that depict country as terrorist haven.

    Pakistan anger at video games that depict country as terrorist haven Pakistani shopkeepers are boycotting two new video games which they say portray the country as a failed state, riddled with terrorism and where security forces are in league with al-Qaeda. Medal of Honor: Warfighter is a...
  2. Perceptron

    US targeted killings guidebook allows CIA drones in Pakistan: Report

    Read the whole transcript. There surely seems a major oversight (wantonly or unwittingly) to mention the Tribal Areas there. This would mean that the entire Pakistani nation is a Kill Zone for them National Birds. Except for maybe Zawahiri, the other mid-level operatives if found around, will be...
  3. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    Well then tell me, why is it that Muslims are blowing up Muslims, Mohajirs ethnically cleansing Pathans and vice-versa, Sunnis massacaring Shias, Ahmedis, Hindus, and Christians in Pakistan when Islam is meant to be a religion of Peace ?
  4. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    Read the complete post, what i posted, if you can comprehend even half of what i stated. The PKNIC registered your defence.pk site, which is itself pretty useless, because your actual content and the web server hosting that content sits in California.
  5. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    Huh, Where is the hatred in that post ? That is unfortunately reality bright as the sun blinding you from looking what it actually is, leading you on the Path of Denial.
  6. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    First of all, let me clarify to you, this is NOT a Pakistani forum. Except for the majority members, none of the forum characteristics can claim to be Pakistani. This forum is hosted in a Web Server residing in California, the content being protected by CloudFlare, a US organization, registered...
  7. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    Heck, Islam as a religion of Peace and Pakistan as a Land of the Pure is a bigger contradiction than all posts in this thread combined.
  8. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    But again why does every terrorist in this world from Faisal Shehzad to Aafia Siddiqui to Aimal Kansi to Omar Shaikh to the London Subway Bombers to the Bali Bomber to Bin Laden is found to have done his Terrorist-schooling in Pakistan ? Compared to that which Hindu has blown up Subways or...
  9. Perceptron

    Who are the terrorists that Islamic militants want freed?

    But again when the hate comes from a Stone age book written 1300 years ago, wouldn't it be prudent to revise the narrative of that book ? The biggest screen for the Terrorists to hide behind apart from the Burkha is the hate-filled narrative in that book.
  10. Perceptron

    Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

    Joginder Nath Mandal unfortunately realized a little too late that he was played like a flute by Suhrawardy, Liaqat Khan and finally Jinnah, with him declaring at the very outset that Pakistan was an accursed Nation for Hindus. He knew then and there along with Maulana Azad that the seeds of...
  11. Perceptron

    US targeted killings guidebook allows CIA drones in Pakistan: Report

    This is a welcome move by the CIA ; They have declared the entire territory of Pakistan as a "Kill Zone" by way of which Jehadists in the Isloo-'hore-Khi triangle are legit targets. In fact, the machinations of the next Cambodia are in motion with more Drones than Planes actually flying over...
  12. Perceptron

    Who are the terrorists that Islamic militants want freed?

    Wow, the Webmaster just handed me an infraction stating that i was "Trolling", and yet there seems to be a blind-eye on the on other posts/threads which goes several notches higher.
  13. Perceptron

    Who are the terrorists that Islamic militants want freed?

    Read her indictment statement. The Justice Department convicted her on a 86 year prison term on the grounds that she needed a "terrorist enhancement" (in other words, waterboarding to wash away the terrorism inducing mindset) which guaranteed a life term.
  14. Perceptron

    Who are the terrorists that Islamic militants want freed?

    Who are the terrorists that Islamic militants want freed ? (l-r) Aafia Siddiqui and Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman / GETTY IMAGES In the latest development surrounding the bloody three-day hostage standoff at a natural gas plant in the Sahara, Algeria's state news service reported that nearly 100...
  15. Perceptron

    Will PSL make it as big as IPL?

    LOL, that's like saying if Pakistani wouldn't have been an Islamic state, then no terrorists would have found safe haven here !!!
  16. Perceptron

    Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

    No no, he can do much more !!! Throw him some money, he can sip chai with you at the local Indian police station ; Throw him some more, he will sell his Nation !!!
  17. Perceptron

    Pakistani husband-wife gang who arranged bogus migrant marriages jailed.

    JAILED, GANG WHO ARRANGED BOGUS MIGRANT MARRIAGES The house where the scam was run from Saturday January 19,2013 By Paul Jeeves A FATHER-of-five who ran a sham marriage scam to sneak Pakistani men into Britain has been jailed for six years. Working from his suburban home, Talib...
  18. Perceptron


    So how is that exactly an embarrassment ? Accepting a shortfall in our defense needs is a far cry from being embarrassed to collect the dead bodies of our soldiers claiming they were the Mujahideen and not folks from the NLI. If Pakistanis have been handed over and Pakistani sovereignty has been...
  19. Perceptron


    I am amazed that Purelandists in PDF are actually supportive of this guy inspite of what he did to his country. Folks from any other country would be embarrassed that here is a guy who has sold his nation for Dollars in return for Terrorism, Sectarian massacres, Separatist movements and Drones...
  20. Perceptron


    Yeah, we will see the fugitive in Commando style, when the next phone-call threatening PacLand to be sent back to the stone age will again make him pee his pants and surrender his country. Then we can see "National Birds" flying over Isloo and Lahore soon enough. Musharraf is someone will sell...
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