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  1. J

    Can’t I be both an Indian and a Muslim?

    Indis dont represent our history :hitwall: .Even few says that we should change name to Bharat rather than india. India was name given by british when they arrived in sub continent.It does not mean that its our history... Like there were talks of changing bombay to mumbai.
  2. J

    Can’t I be both an Indian and a Muslim?

    We call bharat in hindi.Is it hard to understand? Even in newspapers we usually write bharat ne ye kia or vo kia ..
  3. J

    Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

    Bolded part is more famous in pakistan than india. Shia's are among most peaceful muslim community and most of the problems are sunni originated.
  4. J

    China All Su-35 news

    Tell me how LCA is failed
  5. J

    Can’t I be both an Indian and a Muslim?

    For most of the pakistanis history starts with jinnah and prosecution by hindus. Look at their TV channels on 14th august,all will be repeating same.
  6. J

    Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

    not needed............................
  7. J

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    China is ahead of india by 10 years least.China is no where challenging U.S for atleast 15-20 years more. U.S navy is more than enough for china.Go and check facts.U.S-China are just media hype but there is huge difference b/w them in terms of fire power. India cant match with china in terms of...
  8. J

    Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

    Pakistanis will be last to lecture us on human rights and condition of muslims. Hindus,sikhs are gone story not muslims are killing muslims. India will be unique country where muslim dominated areas are like hell for other minorites who are majority in country.
  9. J

    Can’t I be both an Indian and a Muslim?

    Correct and it stole my words.
  10. J

    India, Bangladesh to ease visa norms

    Do bangladeshis need visa? :rofl: they are already packed here without it :hitwall:
  11. J

    Should India Invade Pakistan?

    Then who will take care of their population? and it will increase only radical islam in india since we have history and seen it before
  12. J

    We lost Cricket series, so we must attack Pak military posts

    I banged my head when i read the title.There is no end of these delusional people. Now india is loosing to england,so it means Ia will attack britain too :hitwall: I personally wish to pakistanis to remain in delusions for 2-3 years more and then pakistan will be in books only :lol: @topic...
  13. J

    Indian Army cheif threatens Pakistan

    Still news related to rape is roaming in whole india and still cases are reported like usual. i dont see any change :no:. Living in denail have been your daily life habit and you love it :lol: Those CRPF are more trained than your FC and have hammered more maoist then BLA terrorist or TTP...
  14. J

    Indian Army cheif threatens Pakistan

    No need of this :D
  15. J

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    i think pakistanis will surely gets their pilots trained on j-10's coz i heard that there is treaty of supplying planes b/w china and pakistan so if they cant purchase it but atleast gets their pilots trained on it so that in case of conflict they can get additional force multiplier
  16. J

    Indian aggression on LOC: Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    it tells how much confidence you have :D we dont beg others :rofl: Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India
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