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  1. J

    Neverforget84.com - Sikhs want own stat.

    drug problem is correct :hitwall:
  2. J

    Israel National Anthem

    wats that??
  3. J

    Israel National Anthem

    it resembles with indian song.....
  4. J

    next pm of india

    inshallh he will be our PM
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    Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? What happened?

    wow!!!!!puri aish kar ke break up and now saying...a lot of other grls:lol:
  6. J

    Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? What happened?

    aapko padha ke 4 bachey hi hongey:lol:
  7. J

    Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? What happened?

    i loved my teacher very much..dreamt for her every night:cry: she was hottest...
  8. J

    PAF can counter India’s new war doctrine, says air chief

    lets have cease fire here and close it
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    India to join 'Friends of Syria' in Tunisia

    now you have opened your shop:lol:
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    India to join 'Friends of Syria' in Tunisia

    india was vetoed by pakistanis while joining the oic. india want to join oic but couldnt do so
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    offers to india for halting iranian oil

    Friendly energy: Israel could turn gas supplier for India - Hindustan Times may be saudis providing oil with more perks
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    offers to india for halting iranian oil

    it depends on offers.:D and your views doesnt matter,i will look towards iranian govt:D
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    offers to india for halting iranian oil

    i have read few articles and many things are offered to india for halting iranian oil. 1)stakes in iraq oil fields. 2)stakes in israeli gas fields 3)saudi oil,with guarantee of more oil if india needs. it seems india is in better position to bargain oil prices with iran too and U.S...
  14. J

    Neverforget84.com - Sikhs want own stat.

    who are you to test us??;)
  15. J

    India to join 'Friends of Syria' in Tunisia

    your people get killed daily and move is correct
  16. J

    Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

    @desert fox and @500 plz delete those pics of babies
  17. J

    Indian Attempt to Entrap Saudi Arabia

    i have observed,you have a good view towards resolving matters with others and neutral too.
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