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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    A captured Indian AMX tank in the hands of Pakistani tanksmen.
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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    An operational tank squadron of the Pakistan army equipped with the Indian tanks (French-built AMXs) captured in the Chamb battle, out on manoeuvres.
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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    <div class='bbimg'></div> Pakistani gunners are giving an expert look-over to captured Indian field guns. The Indians left enough pieces in Chamb area alone to equip two Field Regiments.
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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    <div class='bbimg'></div> Delta Company men from 17 Punjab Regiment in defensive position on Hudiara Drainl.
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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    Pakistani soldeirs of 17 Punjab positioning the deadly weapon to face indian assualt.
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    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    A Recoilless Rifle in a dug out position on BRBL Canal. Ready to face the enemy
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