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  1. kumar_V1.0

    It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

    what moral high u are claiming , what Kashmir mujaheddin. Is david headly related to kashmir, LET and similar groups has grwn more than your proxy armies to keep kashmir alive. they are now targeting world cities,Mumbai is not kashmir, US citizens were killed there as well. and trust me once...
  2. kumar_V1.0

    It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

    Playing victim never helps. and about WOT its not United States war Its Pakistan's war. waziristan isn't in United States. World knows if it was not US pressure the authorities in Pakistan will still think about those terrorists as strategic tools and make deals with them. You need to stand up...
  3. kumar_V1.0

    It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

    No time is bad time for Humor. Pakistan hav to take those steps and forget about what world thinks about u, just think about your generation and the next. What you want to pass on to them. these big words, strategic depth and bla bla doesn't feed the people, need is economy which is...
  4. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    This guy is expert on Indian affairs, he doesn't find anything worthwhile about Pakistan to write.
  5. kumar_V1.0

    It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

    Ok if you thins sthat small portion was / is dispensable. But what about the damages it has caused all over. Security situation in Pakistan, Loss of business. world believes Pakistan is hotbed of terror with conviction. and today I heard International terrorist David Headly trained in one of...
  6. kumar_V1.0

    It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

    Only thing they forget is what goes around comes back around. Large part of a generation which cud have been used in cultivating growth and prosperity for millions of ppl has been wasted in the fancy name of Jihad and freedom fighting. such a waste
  7. kumar_V1.0

    No surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan: Govt

    And where did Sir David Coleman Headly got trained? In some imaginative structure which which is creation of figment of Indian imagination.
  8. kumar_V1.0

    Mumbai Attacks

    They should open an University of Terrorism in Pakistan where these tarrorist from all over the world can come and get trained. You earn some revenue as well. Now don't frown on me as some one said Headley is an American citizen still he got his education in terrorism from Pakistan.
  9. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    And what percentage of India's borrowing is from abroad? Mr Mukherjee has an opportunity to narrow the budget shortfall as accelerating economic growth boosts tax revenue and a stronger political mandate after last year’s elections paves the way to resume asset sales. Rating changes have less...
  10. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    This guy makes up all the numbers and hides facts to prove his point , In this thread his all points have been nullified but still he doesn't refrain from lying and distorting facts. Pathetic lair he is.
  11. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    RATING CATEGORIES Secure Range: AAA Superior financial security. Highest safety. AA Excellent financial security. Highly safe. A Good financial security. More susceptible to economic change than highly rated companies. BBB Adequate financial security. More vulnerable to economic changes than...
  12. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    can you read or you r blinded by hate to ignore what you dont want to read. Just read below para again, Its you who compared India with Greece. Rating changes have less impact on India than other countries like Greece, which borrow more from abroad. India’s foreign borrowings make up only...
  13. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    Moody's may raise India rating 23 Feb 2010, 0125 hrs IST, Bloomberg Save Print EMail Share Comment Text: NEW DELHI: India's credit rating may be raised from junk if finance minister Pranab Mukherjee provides a comprehensive plan to roll back fiscal stimulus and cut the budget...
  14. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    Ok cool, but what about a country which receives 90% of assistance in form of Grant? Sounds familiar??
  15. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    This guy is pushing a lazy person like me to do some research, Ordinarily i don't do that unless I show that on my time sheet :frown:
  16. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    what we are trying to emphasize is India is not a GRANT based economy as Pakistan today is unfortunately. As per loan is concerned every country does that for one reason or other and we being a developing country provide a good opportunity of investment for developed countries. you know the...
  17. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    Grants A grant is a sum of money which is awarded to your business or organisation. Grants are often referred to as "free" money, although in reality, while you don't pay interest on a grant and as long as you meet the terms of the grant you don't have to return the money, the application...
  18. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    The official Japanese report does discriminate between grant and loan isnt it? Dont you understand when u take a loan you have to have guarantee and repayment record and its like a investment for a issuer as well. Ask you again why 90% of assistance to pakistan is Grant?
  19. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    You dont get my post or u pretend to? i am asking why India is getting 90 % loan and merely 10% as grant and pakistan is getting 90% of assistance in the form of grant. Repayment problem? and when you are so confused between grant and loan whenever you quote a figure pls tell us whether...
  20. kumar_V1.0

    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    \ out of 99.89 B assistance to India only pure grant is amount is 9.32 B others are loan and technical assistance .And for pakistan out of 53.24 pure grant amount is 49.59B. Now tell me if india is worse off than Pakistan in any way why this ration will be so sharp in case of pakistan.
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