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  1. Patriot

    India's Poor Starve as Politicians Steal Their Food

    A 20-minute drive from the Indian village of Satnapur, past bone-dry fields and groups of malnourished children, there’s a government storage facility overflowing with wheat and rice. The complex is five football fields long and holds 57,000 tons of food meant for some of the nation’s 350...
  2. Patriot

    India's Poor Starve as Politicians Steal Their Food

    A 20-minute drive from the Indian village of Satnapur, past bone-dry fields and groups of malnourished children, there’s a government storage facility overflowing with wheat and rice. The complex is five football fields long and holds 57,000 tons of food meant for some of the nation’s 350...
  3. Patriot

    VIEW : Imran Khan as Pakistan’s saviour?

    Yeah like Zardari and Sharif has PHD in Economics or Public Administration.Using the same logic I can name at least few US Presidents who were not career politicians so according to Pakistanis these people are not capable of becoming President of a country yet they managed to run Government of...
  4. Patriot

    Persia Vs. Turkiye (Who would win in a war?)

    Fu@k this stupid as$ debate. PakistaniandProud no offense but your posts suck a hairy a$shole.Most importantly no one gives a flying fuc@k about Turk vs Iranian War as it ain't happening.
  5. Patriot

    Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

    Lol @ these right wingers.They always try to say Islam is under threat - US is out to kill all the Muslim and all other BS to justify their positions.The difference between a right winger and a liberal is that while Liberal would respect you even if you wear Hijab or Niqab where as a right...
  6. Patriot

    War crimes: Why should Bush, Blair and Obama be exempt?

    Your ignorance is mind boggling.
  7. Patriot

    Would you teach your children "martial arts"?

    Well Weak People are always bullied.
  8. Patriot

    Wickets begin to fall in PTI

    Lol they probably thought that they are some sort of bigshots and would be given awesome positions in PTI.PTI is all about Merit.Only people with Merit will get tickets.It's good news for PTI because you don't want floaters in your team when you are contesting in elections..
  9. Patriot

    Wickets begin to fall in PTI

    Nothing significant happening..just Pakistani Media publishing BS.You know they are against Imran Khan because they always said Imran Khan is nobody etc and if Imran Khan wins then these people will be truly ashamed and out of plots and other privileges they get from government.
  10. Patriot

    Gen.Kayani To Visit Russia This Month

    Lol Whenever Pakistan-China or Pakistan-Russia related thread is opened Indians post as if they have a but! plug up their a$$.
  11. Patriot

    Could Britain invade Indian Embassy?

    lol you know how much dirt Assange had on your leaders...you seriously think your government would allow him to stay at your embassy.
  12. Patriot

    Pakistan Constitution should make hijab compulsory: JI

    Yeah right so Muslims are perverts and they can't control their mind?If they see a women dressed normal (Because i don't consider niqbal normal) they will get erection right?Then something needs to be done about such men and don't give me that crap about West.Western People are thousand times...
  13. Patriot

    Pakistan Constitution should make hijab compulsory: JI

    These guys are fucked up in the head.They think going back to 9th century will make Pakistan advance lol.Nobody take these jokers seriously anyways. THIS IS NOT THE BUSINESS OF THE STATE.It is upto the women how they want to dress.Stop treating them like your slaves.
  14. Patriot

    F-35 to KSA ?

    Because there is no other viable alternative.US will not export F22 to any external country in the foreseeable future.
  15. Patriot

    What do you do to cheer up when you are sad or depressed?

    I usually jerk off to relieve stress.Wait 30 minutes for repletion.Rinse and repeat.
  16. Patriot

    China landed at Gawadar port

    PSA couldn't do anything because Supreme Court of Pakistan stalled any activities on the court and eventually they gave the judgement that PSA-GOP Deal was illegal therefore null and void.
  17. Patriot

    Nice Quote on Pakistan Army

    The problem with Pakistan is lack of intellect.Look at this dude Stealth full of talent yet intellectually bankrupt.
  18. Patriot

    Bangladesh, Iran for making NAM more effective

    Wow I can't believe the ego you guys have - Bangladesh is a irreverent nation compared to Iran .Just look at Iran's GDP Numbers and other figures.You guys are acting as if Iran is some third world rat hole and Bangladeshi is 1st World Country like Norway or US.
  19. Patriot

    In 16 Years almost 300,000 Suicides

    You can shove that finger up your a$$.
  20. Patriot

    In 16 Years almost 300,000 Suicides

    No they weren't Indians - They were illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants :rofl: :rofl:
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