I like this thread, you have no idea how many people in this world blame the west.
Some blame for logical reasons, some blame for "Interesting" reasons.
But you know out of all what I like the most?.
Are the people who blame the Jews. :lol::usflag:
I really don't understand the purpose of this thread. Either the person who started this is "Interesting" or a racist.
Isn't this forum open to all?.
Or is this a forum run by a dictator who can say who can join and who cannot?. :usflag:
I don't know how people take the Independent investigation results, but most people seem to question about why would the Dear Leader put a signature on the torpedo to blatantly indicate that it was from them?.
What is the Dear Leader trying to achieve by showing to the world they sunk the...
South Koreans are the people living next to the dear leader, not us or the Japanese. If there is a conflict, the South would encounter the most damage.
Your new, I can understand. I was only joking. Do you really think I care much what people think on this forum?.
I only pay attention to the interesting ones :lol::usflag:
Older members would know what I mean by that.