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  1. A

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Thankfully I have the good fortune so far of working with decent folks of many nations. In fact the ones I try to help with most with regards to family and other bits is an Indian chap who is fantastic person. Down to earth and really decent. But I suppose at the end of the day citizens of that...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Define "rich"? What you are saying is foreigners less Maid & Construction workers are all rich?? Makes no sense Total non residents in Singapore are about 1.86 Million, 43% are non PMET which by your statement leaves about 1 Million so called "rich" foreigners. (and almost any rich PMET works in...
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    India welcomes Chinese investments in infrastructure sector

    Personally I feel that PPP will only work well for infra projects which are quick to be implement/built with quick returns (as mentioned Fiber Optic etc) and low maintainence, the pipeline example you mentioned is a good example of one, quick installation and high returns (low oil extraction...
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    India welcomes Chinese investments in infrastructure sector

    Thanks for the link I won't 100% this won't work but given the nature of Infra projects in developing countries its an investors worse nightmare. The only investors possible to pull off large infra works are State funds (i.e Temasek Holdings, China investment etc) because they have cash up...
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    India welcomes Chinese investments in infrastructure sector

    For simple infrastructure i.e fibre optic, telephone services there would be interested parties from the big players. Low cost, easy setup, and good revenue generator. For more capital intensive outlays it won't work, Road/Rails/Bridges have very poor ROI's and generally the MO is for...
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    Distorted view of China overlooks many positive achievements

    Its not a bad article there are positive sentiments within the negative.
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    India welcomes Chinese investments in infrastructure sector

    I just want to clarify when the GOI announces that there is a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure investments does it mean it will pay for the infrastructure work and tender the jobs out to contractors i.e the Chinese? Or did they expect some private investors to come to India and pay for...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Just some question. 1. Where in the list did it say the bank must have large USD holdings? For one I know for SG local banks do not have such large USD holdings 2. Are you saying if SBI defaults the Indian government will cover the funds in the bank? Do you have anything back that up like so...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    So there isn't any article to back that up, it doesn't have to be something mentioning moody and fitch. I just asked for a simple article with valid points stating SBI being a safe bank. No one just uses Moody and Fitch to make an assessment, there so many other tool. How overleveraged a bank...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Which one mentions SBI specifically, back your own claim. I am not even debating SBI is not a safe bank, I am merely asking for a solid article for reference SBI = State Bank of India I assume?
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Jesus Christ stop beating around the bush, do you have the link to backup SBI being safe or don't you.
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Please give us the L.I.N.K?
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Honestly unless you can produce an article of solid reasoning whatever you say does not mean Sh*t, heck I don't even see any forum members backing you on this. [B]Find that article sonny. Go on be a good boy now
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Oh right now its the rating agency that's wrong. Sure anything that can't back what you say is wrong lol Show me an article backing SBI being safe, besides your word... From a reputable financial site. Same article published to customers by Rabobank, its good enough for them it seems...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Is this the same bank you are referring to? Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlook on the 'BBB-' Long-Term (LT) Foreign Currency (FC) Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of India-based financial institutions to Negative from Stable, while affirming the rating. These include six government banks...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    Read the damn link you tool Ranking derived from gfmag.com, from the Wiki site they are quite okay in the realm of finance. Fyi Hereisthecity is a mailer which hits almost anyone working investment banking, though they're a financial tabloid they're news are typically backed by decent sources...
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    The world’s 50 safest banks

    This is something I got at work a few days back thought I post it up, nice to see Singapore main 3 local banks are all on this list. Congrats to the other nations a well. World’s 50 safest banks 2013 Rank Group Name Country 1 KfW Germany 2 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten Netherlands 3 Zürcher...
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    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    What a stupid title, China killer OMG. Is that a langauge that adults actually use? Shows the infantile mindset of the OP Just test the damn thing and be done with it, whats the point of all the bravado honestly?
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    NSA accused of spying on Brazilian oil company Petrobras

    What do you expect from the nation who gave us Snowden Lol
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    India forex reserve shrinks now to 275 $US Billion

    AMCA if your government doesn't own it or control it then your argument is not worth anything, hence it will be no means of any help to India in this discussion. Humans are inherently selfish, rarely would anyone give up control of their asset willingly. Its like saying every family in India...
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