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  1. AAHAN

    Pakistan's steps against terror 'not nearly enough': Rice

    i believe we have done more than required.Time to check our own gear as well
  2. AAHAN

    Jamaat-ud-Dawa to approach ICJ over sanctions: Hafiz Saeed

    Don't go too far vinod. Why r u people always in a hustle to ditch Pakistan.Perhaps u know Bal Thakray.What are Shev Sena,Bajrang Dal,RSS etc. They are your religious extremists.Aren't they? Who dug the cricket pitches to stop PAK-INDIA matches?It wasn't JuD,not even LeT. Who set one of the...
  3. AAHAN

    The Pak-US Relationship

    Well he seemed to be more peaceful.Why would u say so?kindly elaborate. :what:
  4. AAHAN

    Talking to the Taliban

    Better read history.... Don't make a fun of yourself please.Are you really unaware of your history? You gonna be kiddin me
  5. AAHAN

    Talking to the Taliban

    I really want to ask what do you people think about Karzai.What is the public opinion in Afghanistan? Do you people hate us? Please do reply.
  6. AAHAN

    Talking to the Taliban

    The Afghans invited Russians into their territory.Kindly tell me who were "taraki" and "Barbrak".weren't they communist promoters? If you don't remember go to Zahir Shah who was never interested in Afghanistan and ask him.He knows well how you have murdered your own families for power. Then...
  7. AAHAN

    Talking to the Taliban

    Karzai, is now doubt,a menace for Pakistan. I don't believe that he is doing all this only for his job.Its time for him to take revenge. The son of Abdul Ahad Karzai from Popalzai tribe.He was grown up and received education in India.So a natural inclination towards India. All his brothers...
  8. AAHAN

    Talking to the Taliban

    I was reading a book"The Sewing Circles of Herat".Its a memoir of Afghanistan by Christina Lamb. Many sources believe in its authenticity. There was a very interesting quoutation by a former talib who had left them.When he was asked why didn't taliban handover Osama and save their ---.The...
  9. AAHAN

    US UAV shot down in Pakistan

    The US are not claiming but we have confirmed. We have also confirmed that army has confiscated the wreckage. Aren't we inviting them to ask for it?
  10. AAHAN

    Border Villages Rise Up Against Taliban

    would u please explain what the sys is?
  11. AAHAN

    Border Villages Rise Up Against Taliban

    Apart from the fact that we were dragged probably unnecessararily into this so called war on terror, I don't see quitting is an option anymore. Stopping at this occassion, means losing all the advancements and a situation when again the FC will be restricted to their forts. Please come up...
  12. AAHAN

    Border Villages Rise Up Against Taliban

    Well sir! The demand for enforcing sharia(whatever their version is)is not new in this area.Maulvi fazallullah and brfore him sufi muhammed had demanded it many years ago. In 1960's the gov decided to send in troops but then the matter was resolved by GOP assurances that sharia will be...
  13. AAHAN

    Border Villages Rise Up Against Taliban

    On 23rd of sep(yesterday) a huge public demonstration was held in swat valley to protest against the elongated curfew hrs,civilian casualities during the ongoing op and electric supply failure(due to the bombing of the grid station by militants) .People have demanded very angrily that "No one...
  14. AAHAN

    A Few Observations

    Gentlemen! I haven't seen any Chinese Bros yet. I've seen them favouring Pakistan on some other forums?Are there any around on this forum? I have an observation that many of our Pakistani bros often slip logic for emotion. I request them to be more rational.(many other nationalists may also...
  15. AAHAN


    Yara! i posted a thread(just a few days ago) to open a discussion over comparative analysis of j-10,su-30,jf-17 and f-18. Will somebody plz tell where did it go? Does someone reserves the right to delete threads? "LAB LAB KAR THAK GAYA HOON" "AY JURRAT KIS NAY KITI":tsk:
  16. AAHAN

    ‘Pakistan, US agree on alternative training site’: US army trainers coming in weeks

    No doubt USA should probably learn from ISI but professionalism demands to give it a try.(Failures are best learning examples) B U T Won't it be better to conduct these trainings in USA. Reasons: 1.Most pakistanis might get an impression that...
  17. AAHAN

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    Kindly discuss the efficiency of j-10 specially against f-16,su-30 and f-18
  18. AAHAN

    How to bcm a Sniper

    How can one become a sniper?Whats the requirement?Whats the training period?Can somebody volunteer?
  19. AAHAN

    Pak Army ordered to open fire if the US raids!

    Hey man! U people cannot even win a war in afghanistan where according to NATO 50-70% area is out of their control. Have you succeded in Iraq? I hear you yelling to be pulled out of there. Is somebody blasting yor *** off? Shame on you.Biased u people were and biased u r.
  20. AAHAN

    How to stop These UAV's From Attacking???

    Mr. "ALWAYS NEUTRAL" your P.M says he agrees with the U.S strategy to make strikes in Pakistan. I agree that many a times(not always; remember **** nuke tests) third world countries fail to wiyhstand U.S pressure.But Believe me you people are always waging your tails before U.S. Moreover...
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