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  1. smooth manifold

    China successfully launches the heavy lift CZ-5 Y3 rocket, the 34th rocket launch in 2019

    really really impressive! 1000 days of trial and error. Solute to all the dedicated engineers!
  2. smooth manifold

    Why the US propaganda Free Beacon is afraid of free press?

    https://freebeacon.com/national-security/lawmaker-demands-hearing-on-spread-of-chinese-propaganda-in-congress/ Rep. Jim Banks (R. Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, is pressing congressional leaders to hold a hearing on the proliferation of Chinese Communist...
  3. smooth manifold

    A Jungle Airstrip Stirs Suspicions About China’s Plans for Cambodia

    丛林中的机场:柬埔寨中国项目引发担忧 A Jungle Airstrip Stirs Suspicions About China’s Plans for Cambodia https://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20191224/cambodia-china-military-bases/dual/ DARA SAKOR, Cambodia — The airstrip stretches like a scar through what was once unspoiled Cambodian jungle...
  4. smooth manifold

    At the Edge of the World, a New Battleground for the U.S. and China

    https://cn.nytimes.com/technology/20191223/faroe-islands-huawei-china-us/dual/ 该不该用华为建5G?法罗群岛成中美科技冷战新战场 At the Edge of the World, a New Battleground for the U.S. and China TORSHAVN, Faroe Islands — The mere existence of the Faroe Islands is a wonder. Tall peaks of snow-patched volcanic rock...
  5. smooth manifold

    China's proposal can break peninsula deadlock

    http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/24/content_9702311.htm China and Russia have proposed that the United Nations Security Council ease some of the sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea-such as lifting the ban on exporting statues, seafood and textiles, and withdrawing...
  6. smooth manifold

    Japan's highest-ever defense budget flows into US pockets

    http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/17/content_9697797.htm The Japanese government recently unveiled its defense budget plan for 2020, with a total amount of 5.3 trillion yen (about $ 48.4 billion), increased by 420 billion yen from 2019. If the budget plan is approved by the Japanese...
  7. smooth manifold

    China deeply concerned U.S. may weaponize outer space

    http://english.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-12/24/content_9702300.htm China on Monday expressed deep concern and firm opposition as U.S. Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, approving the establishment of a space force, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson...
  8. smooth manifold

    JL-3 Test

    Are you implying shutting down Internet is typical of Indian style freedom. then you're humiliating yourself by repeating the word "free". Youtube, Facebook can be easily accessed by VPN if one wants. That's totally different from India's shutting down Internet physically. What do you mean by...
  9. smooth manifold

    China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

    ] I'd prefer 6 carriers(2 stobar+4 catobar) are all conventional. so they can be churned out at a much faster pace and all commissioned by 2027 or 2028. I don't think nuclear carriers are in China's urgent need before taking down Taiwan.
  10. smooth manifold

    China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

    I believe the 3rd and 4th will be conventional. it's impossible to commission 2 nuclear carriers by 2025.
  11. smooth manifold

    China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

    All 4 aircraft carriers will be deployed in West Pacific or South China Sea. Taking down Taiwan is always the top priority in near future.
  12. smooth manifold

    China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

    that's not enough and impressive at all. 6 aircraft carriers and 60 destroyers are the minimal requirement.
  13. smooth manifold

    JL-3 Test

    Indians' talking about free media. are you being sarcastic? who's shutting down internet? who's cracking down on protests? Indians' talking about China's aircraft carrier shitty. are you being sarcastic? how shitty is your Vikrant compared to Shandong? aren't you the biggest joke here? back to...
  14. smooth manifold

    JL-3 Test

    Type 096 SSBN is China's most deadly weapon. Of course, they'll keep whining.
  15. smooth manifold

    China denies using ‘slave labour’ to make Christmas cards sold in Tesco

    even a 6 year girl was used as political tool. that's a blatant insult to human rights.
  16. smooth manifold

    Unboxing China's Long March 5

    22:00 Dec 27 2019
  17. smooth manifold

    Japan Drilling Company jackup awarded four-well contract in Vietnam

    are you slapping your own face again? we're still building artificial islands. where are your warships? scared?
  18. smooth manifold

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    Better not be fooled by the misleading information. I personally believe J20 will be future carrier-borne fighter. the real "thing" always keeps a low profile
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