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  1. F

    Pakistan used cricket diplomacy to survey terror targets

    Hey Ice_man, did you see it? I dont think he is from Bharat Rakshak!
  2. F

    Pakistan used cricket diplomacy to survey terror targets

    LOL that was a good one. But like they say - The fog can only take place after there is a fire.
  3. F

    Drone Attacks Damage the US Interests

    Civilians dying is a bad thing I must say. But is there any way our? They do not have any other choice, do they?
  4. F

    Pakistan used cricket diplomacy to survey terror targets

    Yeah I was a bit curious about it. What is this 72 Vergins thing? Do they really tell this during brainwash?
  5. F

    9/11, Another perspective !

    I found this interesting thing. Is obsession with conspiracy theories a sign of schizophrenia?
  6. F

    26/11 was an Indian plot, claims Pakistan

    You know the reason I was giving you the link about Denial, because you guys first deny it and then accept it within no time. Just like you denied of Kasab being a Pakistani national, then you accepted it. Just like you denied having any connection in kargil, then you accepted it. (just...
  7. F

    9/11, Another perspective !

    I didnt quite understand it. I'm not the one believing in the conspiracy theories. Does that make me stupid?:blink: I can just talk normal. But then you conspiracy theorists won't believe it.:D
  8. F

    26/11 was an Indian plot, claims Pakistan

    That means you missed "Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" Do you want me to post that link again my friend? We are talking about 26/11 bro. Very good point. Any Pakistani member want to address the bold part above???
  9. F

    Pakistan used cricket diplomacy to survey terror targets

    Is it also one of the reasons India is a bit skepticle to invite Pakistan for Cricket?
  10. F

    India tourism minister: Nearly every Indian wants to visit Jerusalem

    India tourism minister: Nearly every Indian wants to visit Jerusalem - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper New tourism agreement aims to double the number of flights between the two countries in three years. By Rina Rozenberg | 06:59 27.06.12 As soon as he boarded the plane to...
  11. F

    26/11 was an Indian plot, claims Pakistan

    Did you read this my friend? Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Delusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. F

    Banning Indian films will not help Pakistani films

    Do you mean this---- Despite official ban, Hindi movies are a craze in Pakistan
  13. F

    9/11, Another perspective !

    bang on!!:enjoy:
  14. F

    26/11 was an Indian plot, claims Pakistan

    Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delusion
  15. F

    Rupee posts its biggest daily gain in three years; sensex jumps 439 points

    Sensex logs year's biggest single-day gain of 439 points
  16. F

    26/11 was an Indian plot, claims Pakistan

    He is an Indian:undecided: Just like Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar. What's your point?
  17. F

    Shouldn't Pakistanis be classified as 'Urduians'?

    America is called America because its in American Continent. Australia is called Australia because of the same reason. Going by this logic, you should call yourself Asian (becase of the Asia as a continent) or Indian (because Pakistan is in Indian sub continent).
  18. F

    For Pakistanis, India bigger threat than Taliban, Al Qaeda: Survey

    Do you not consider people who live near the western border region as Pakistanis? Moreover, I have this link which is just 4 days old! Taliban attack Pakistan's Aaj TV station in Karachi - BBC News
  19. F

    Pakistan used cricket diplomacy to survey terror targets

    Its not that easy as you have just put it across. If this was the case, David Headley would have never come to India.
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