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  1. RedBaron

    RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

    I agree...and I'm sure India knows it too well from the Frankenstein experience that US/Pak had with funding the Afghan mujahideen. Even in FATA, if RAW hands out money/weapons, there is no guarantee the same will not be used against India in Kashmir and elsewhere...but hiring insurgents for...
  2. RedBaron

    RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

    Anti-Pakistani activities, yes...maybe Balochistan may be an example. It is also plausible India could "hire" insurgents who act against PAK army in FATA. The tribesmen as often quoted on this forum cannot be ruled, but can be hired. And India's objectives could be to keep Pak Army busy and the...
  3. RedBaron

    RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

    My two cents on the RAW network in AFG...I have absolutely no doubt that RAW has presence in all Indian consulates. But this is to be expected. It is a golden opportunity for India to be able to build "hum-int" on Paks hitherto unprotected border (note all PA/PAF formations are aligned mostly...
  4. RedBaron

    Policing Afghanistan

    Let me play Devil's Advocate here. Hiring and equipping local militias may not be ideal but in the current scenario it may be the only way to reduce the risk of capitulation to the Taliban. Why? As other forum members have pointed out in this thread, for Afghans, tribal/sectarian ties matter...
  5. RedBaron

    A Breakdown in Transporting Supplies to Afghanistan

    I thought the Afridi clans were the defacto rulers in the Khyber area...and apparently still run the transports. Do they still have their "lashkars" on are they more urbanized now? Whose side is Mangal Bagh on, maybe a coalition with these guys could turn the tide against the Mehsuds?
  6. RedBaron

    Pakistan's Overbearing Army

    Fatman17 sahib, I've seen media reports highlighting the fact that the next Pak GHQ will comprise of generals with jihadi leanings as these were the first batches of junior officers indoctrinated in that manner in the early days of the Zia regime. In the below film, towards the end, a young...
  7. RedBaron

    China's Best Ships in Gulf: Trouble for India?

    I found a related article here: AFP: Piracy draws China back to the ranks of maritime giants Two destroyers and a supply ship in the Gulf of Aden hardly threaten India from my layman perspective. It would be worth a heads-up if a carrier fleet/submarine fleet showed up in the region in the...
  8. RedBaron

    Indian national arrested in Lahore, linked to blast

    This is getting more bizarre by the hour!!:whistle: I seriously doubt India would mount such miniscule operations where risk is enormous (e.g. loss of Western support for India's cause) and return is low (assuming RAW aims to create maximum terror)....so I doubt the whole story. :confused...
  9. RedBaron

    Report: India may attack Pakistan

    Hmm...Israel participating in the attack is far-fetched but cannot be ruled out entirely. :devil: After all, they know that Pakistan will strike back at India immediately but not attack Israel. Israel will prove to its citizens that it has the b*lls to avenge the rabbi couple murder, and do...
  10. RedBaron

    FATA Situation

    Hmm...interesting. I've not seen Abdullah (squared) for a while now - he seems to have vanished. The erudite Karzai is the only face that we see on the telly. Anyone worth watching in the Afghan govt at all to get "believable" Afghani POV on FATA action?:undecided:
  11. RedBaron

    Are Indian N-Assets Safe?

    Also, the number of NSG commandos was 200. They took 60 hours due to the fact that the hotels are extremely large, and that hostages were involved, causing them to cautiously proceed, room-by-room. Imagine trying to clear an entire 5-star hotel... As far as the cops at CST were concerned...
  12. RedBaron

    Are Indian N-Assets Safe?

    The concern regarding terror strikes on nuclear reactors is valid to some extent, but the fear of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of "Hindu hawks" is baseless. :tongue: As a former Mumbai citizen more than 10 years ago, I lived near the BARC and was often struck by the lack of visible...
  13. RedBaron

    Mumbai Attacks

    Please, let's not get into the nuclear weapons disussion. It has been talked about elsewhere by people much smarter and more mature than yourself. You claim that you alone can sink a country back to the stone age? :rofl: I don't know what you're smoking, son. But for sure, you are in no...
  14. RedBaron

    Official: ISI Fan Club

    Within Pakistan it is unquestionably the single most powerful institution. It is answerable to nobody and allegedly controls a huge pool of financial and human resources - its a state within the state, as Benazir Bhutto put it. Some accounts claim that its so powerful, it has the ability to...
  15. RedBaron

    Mumbai Attacks

    Let me try and get the discussion back to something more worthy of debate::mod: In the event of all-out hostilities, India could wage a "war of attrition" - with superior financial resources, it could prolong the war to the point where the Pak war machine literally runs out of fuel. Of course...
  16. RedBaron

    FATA Situation

    Does anyone know which person the Afghan intel chief is referring to in this video as mastermind of Indian embassy bombing in Kabul? He alleges Pak knows exactly where he is, but refuses to arrest him. If I'm not mistaken, he implies that Pak Army is focused on Pak-Taliban which poses a threat...
  17. RedBaron

    Pakistan's Overbearing Army

    IMO the suggestions regarding civilian institutional power are easy to make, but are impractical for Pakistan in the near- and medium- term. Why? Look at the pathetic level of governance all across South Asia: India, SL, BD included. South-Asian governments are probably only just better than...
  18. RedBaron

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    Many thanks Fatman17. Contrarian or not, I try to stick to facts - always works well, especially in a community environment. :cool: On one of the previous posts, Muse included an extract from a Rubin/Rashid article from Foreign Affairs magazine (link:Foreign Affairs - From Great Game to Grand...
  19. RedBaron

    Who Won the Air War in 1971?

    Ironically, according to Sqn Ldr Khan in his article above, East Pakistan is where PAF performed better. He says on Page 2: "The only place where the PAF acquitted itself well was in East Pakistan, both in '65 and in '71. In '65, it struck Kalikunda twice, Bhagdogra, Hasimara and Agartala. In...
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