BBTA3 missile in my opinion have better shape and design than petir missile
Petir recently tested have guidance while bbta3 missile studi terowongan angin
Apakah saling melengkapi?
Tau kelemahan sendiri bisa mengetahui apa yg diperbaiki dan jadi ga besar kepala
And for the big data, thats great
I still have some likely bingung
If someone join cadangan, amd he is not in service so he is a military or civilian? Can he have vote?
Just curious abt this.
Semangat gan buat akmilnya
Do you remember our representative watching korkut firing test?
It is amphibi, it use 35mm same with oer gdf
But dont know lah
Ditambah kondisi negri ottoman lagi ribut + hal lain kd harus dpertimbangkan...
Are USAF still prefer f15 for superiority?
@umigami dipanggil bule emg dikira disini yg main defense pk org bule ye wkwkkwk
Apa nanti kita dikira org pakistan? :pakistan:
Their leo training in urban area sometimes they training in aussie or maybe in brunai.
They didnt have large enough training area for jungle warfare. Tekong is only for bmt as i know
The country that use leopard in true battlefield as i read is germany, danish, and the turks recently
Both are blur or sorry emang adanya gtu ya pengadaan AL am AD ngeblur gada yg agak jelas?
How capable our TNI when facing CBRN attack? Are every soldier in batallion level outside Nubika have CBRN training also equipped with gas mask?
I hope someday civilian trained to face CBRN, as i know...
Secara ga langsung, bikin anak SMA mau gabung tentara lebih banyak plus bisa jadi mahasiswa dibiayai. Asik kan hehehhe
Tentunya pendidikan yang lebih tinggi diharapkan meningkatkan mutu orangnya sendiri(lebih visioner dsb)
Nurol ejder 4x4?
Likely only just for promotion in expo.
Ejder user is turk, georgia and azeri also uzbek as i know
Ko f16 su 35 kapan. Even in many news always written TNI Duetkan F16 dengan jet canggih su 35.
And they always said Su 35 is ready and now we talk to US and the Su 35 can delievered to Indonesia or Indonesia's Su 35 will sent from Russia if F16V is came. Also we buy F16 so we can buy su35 etc...