Demand ? who are you to demand anything no one lol a racist terrorist nation filled with hate and lies is what you are stay in your place and keep that dirty stinky mouth shut lmao !!!!
The most childish and dumbest country in the world lolz who cares if you walk out it shows the world you are not for peace but for terror you are a racist terrorist state lmao damn cowards !!!!
Guys on wiki it states that the ship has a front main gun is this true ? never seen it any pictures ? and if there isn't one then why was it never installed ?
Don't be arrogant and stupid troll at the same time your nation has no business in the affairs of arab / muslim nations period. I am an proud american and live in the land of the free with millions others don't change the story around you annoying troll.
You indians have no knowledge nor business to be in the muslim world and its affairs period other then the labor you have in some of these nations so keep out of it simply !