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  1. P

    Pakistan-Russia Strategic Alliance Nightmare for U.S

    We can offer them the quickest route to the Arabian sea? Who can offer that. Pakistan's geostrategic location is more important than any other geostrategic location competing with Pakistan's in the world. What will India offer? money? Is that it? Besides Russia is looking for new friends now...
  2. P

    Putin Thanks Romney for Calling Russia No. 1 Foe

    I can't help admire Putin. Putin is an inspiring leader. He actually fixed his country. Look at the US Presidents in the past: George w Bush(the crusader terrorist), Bill Clinton , and now Romney. Romney would make a terrible president. Romney is arrogant, ignorant, and embarrassingly stupid...
  3. P

    Pakistan-Russia Strategic Alliance Nightmare for U.S

    I agree with you, the world is a different place now. The USA isn't as strong as they used to be 20 years ago. They are not the best anymore. Sure they are still the strongest nation, but world is speedily catching up. China is already the world's second largest economy in 20 years...
  4. P

    Pakistan-Russia Strategic Alliance Nightmare for U.S

    No its not as far fetched as that. Russia will probably keep its relationship with India. but I wouldn't be surprised if the Pakistani-Russian relations come on par with Russian-Indian relations or even better. Stop living in the Cold War. The times have changed now. Russia is not USSR...
  5. P

    What do you love about Pakistan?

    I love how Pakistan is country of culture, history, and civilization. For example: Badshahi Masjid, Taxila, Gandhara, K2, Nanga Parbat, Baltit Fort, Sheikhapura, Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Thatta, the Khyber Pass, Juniper Forest or Ziarat, Frere Hall, Multan. Where ever you go in Pakistan there is...
  6. P

    Taj Arabia To Overshadow Taj Mahal

    LOL, Emirates is doing what some guy in Bangladesh did. Emirates needs to get its own stuff, and it should not be mausoleums or copies of mausoleums.
  7. P

    Mother sells baby boy to buy mobile phone, jeans and tops

    The mother has done a savage thing. Absolutely disgusting.
  8. P

    Stop lying about the Baloch issue

    Express Tribune is a traitor newspaper mouthpiece. It needs to be shut down. There isn't any significant problem in Balochistan. The only problem is that it is underdeveloped when compared to the other provinces. However this issue is being rectified now.
  9. P

    Nepal ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles

    Its a good thing the Nepalese don't like India too much. India is looking for hegemony in the region, and the Nepalese realize that. Its looks like the Nepalese may tilt towards China. Afterall, atleast they don't have newspapers saying negative things against China.
  10. P

    Putin brushes off Pakistan

    Nice try with your talk. The express Tribune didn't say everything. Check this out, India is not the reason Putin is not visiting Pakistan. ITS BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF PROGRESS ON ECONOMIC ISSUES. Putin visit put off due to lack of progress on economic issues Russian President Vladimir...
  11. P

    No plan to build second aircraft carrier: China

    China build some aircraft carriers otherwise what is the point of getting the Varyag along with it's blueprints?
  12. P

    Civil, military leadership response sought

    First of all where is the link? Second of all, no its not. Balochistan is perfectly fine. There aren't any significant problems. The only problem is that Balochistan is underdeveloped and Balochistan needs to be developed. Thats all.
  13. P

    Civil, military leadership response sought

    First of all where is the link? Second of all, no its not. Balochistan is perfectly fine. There aren't any significant problems. The only problem is that Balochistan is underdeveloped and Balochistan needs to be developed. Thats all.
  14. P

    New world map. New York Times

    We all know this "The New World" map is utter nonsense. It doesn't even talk about solving the Kashmir dispute the Palestinian Problem the South Tibet Problem according to just and moral principles. Parag Khanna's paper is merely a propaganda piece, to brainwash the American people. Do you...
  15. P

    New world map. New York Times

    Parag Khanna is a westerner's boot licker. What makes him think Pakistan is going to break up? Where's his proof? The Pakistan state is not that weak. The army will take over if necessary. Parag Khanna is so ignorant of realities. They just Pakistan to break up, so the Islamic world and China...
  16. P

    New world map. New York Times

    Stupid idiots think Pashtunistan will become an independent state. No one demands Pashtunistan. Whats this nonsense! Most Balochis want to stay Pakistan. Pakistan is not going to break up. I wonder why westerners keep harping about this. Afghanistan is not going break up either. Pakistan...
  17. P

    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    Well we should root out any culture that comes from the Republic of India. Enough said.
  18. P

    US wants India, Burma to share good relationship

    Its all too obvious. Its all about countering China.
  19. P

    President Zardari reiterates commitment to go ‘new heights’ with China

    Good initiative.Tajikistan should also build a rail link through the Pamirs to trade with China.
  20. P

    Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

    Replying to the article, obviously China won't use the Aircraft Carrier in any military operation, atleast not anytime soon. Its mainly for training purposes. Also the Chassis design and the blueprints that came with it. I believe the Chinese got the blueprints for the Aircraft Carrier from...
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