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  1. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    Islam spread by the sword in India? Why is India still a Hindu majority country? Islam did not spread by the sword. By your logic if 8 billion people say that the world is a cube, when the world is a oval, does that make the world any less oval. No it doesn't.
  2. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    Your logic is not convincing. In fact your personal insults show your desperation. Just admit it. Since Indus River Valley Civilization was mainly in Pakistan, it belong to Pakistan. Just because not that tiny part of IVC is not within in Pakistani borders, does not mean it is belongs also to...
  3. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    Whats your point? Even Afghanistan can say they have a stake in Indus River Valley civilization by your logic.
  4. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    lol, INdia claiming IVC, is like Pakistan trying to claim Taj Mahal. Indian members please give us a break. The answer is obvious Pakistan has no claim on Taj Mahal as India has no claim on IVC. Case closed, and everybody be happy now, because WE KNOW THE TRUTH!
  5. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    I am not aware of discrimination while marrying. Generally people marry within the same ethnicity and social class. Upper class marry Upper class, Middle class marry Middle Class. lol it is wrong to use Indian subcontinent. Modern scholars don't even use Indian subcontinent due to...
  6. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    Yes but keep reading, saying now in present day-Pakistan. Dude "Republic of India" has nothing to do with Indus River Valley Civilization. Britannica is obviously wrong to call it Indian subcontinent. Jawaharlal Nehru was wrong to Call present-day Bharat "India." The western or "greek"...
  7. P

    Pakistan has officially recognized the State of Kosovo

    Listen, Durand Line is LEGAL and Valid. No one in the world has a problem with it, except YOU! Pakistan and Afghanistan can become one country, if you don't like the Durand Line. I would support this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for Kosovo...
  8. P

    Pakistan has officially recognized the State of Kosovo

    Exactly we need to work for our interests, and nobody else. Perhaps we can also recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia too.
  9. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    How is France "Judeo-Christian?" France is a secular country, not "Christian." Of-course the Christians living in Egypt, its their country too, but obviously Egypt is not a Secular country, since they Islam as their state religion. If you are saying the Christians have more rights than the...
  10. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    lol but if their 5th generation or 4th generation Muslims then, it is their country, whether you like or not. lol, if the Christians in Egypt and Syria became Muslims or if the Christians of Egypt or Syria or Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan leave, it is no longer their country. Just because there is...
  11. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    Those so called "Christian" countries you are saying which are secular are not "Christian." They are Secular. lol, if you say no to building a Masjid in New York City, then don't claim to be a land of freedom or a secular country. Simple as that.
  12. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    lol, thats okay I'm Pakistani. However since you put up a "Turkish flag" on below your avatar, you can stay in your beloved, liberal and corrupt Turkey. :lol: Where there are bars next to Masjids. Ummm... I don't want to be Saudi or Arab, you crazy kid, when I want to be Pakistani. Why go...
  13. P

    Saudi Arabia to finance Jordan Eurofighter deal

    Since you brought Iran into this? We may ask what good has Iran done to the region? Isn't supporting a brutal and bloodthirsty tyrant like Bashar Al-Assad wrong? Yes it is wrong. Isn't supporting the Houthis in Yemen wrong? Yes it is. lol, why is Iran putting itself in a difficult situation...
  14. P

    Saudi Arabia to finance Jordan Eurofighter deal

    instead of mocking them, perhaps you can give an interesting perspective. Personally I think it would make more sense for the Arab countries to be allies with China, Russia, and Brazil. This is my opinion. Now our Arab guests may agree or disagree with me. But anyways, we Muslims are divided...
  15. P

    Saudi Arabia to finance Jordan Eurofighter deal

    Mash'Allah. Congrats. May Jordan reach ever new heights. lol, why should we be jealous? I think what he is trying to say is that OIC has more legitimacy than say the Arab League.
  16. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    Really, do you honestly believe wikileaks? lol? Have you been ti Saudi Arabia? Have you talked to the Saudis? Most of the Saudis I spoke to seemed pretty religious. You should go there yourself. Ever been to Hajj or Umrah? Go see for yourself. Really, do you honestly believe wikileaks...
  17. P

    Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

    lol. beware unfortunately this Pakistani forum is full of traitors and ignorant idiots. What you are saying is right, the retard deserves what he gets. LOL Bashar Al-Assad is a maniac, and the Syrian people are fighting for their freedom.
  18. P

    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Lets hope so. It would be good to have an alternative to USA.
  19. P

    Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

    I'm surprised you would post such a thing. All these things are against Islam, and you want to post this garbage. Allah ka shukr that Pakistan is a conservative and Islamic country. We are Muslims are we need to practice our beliefs. Alcohol is a fitna, a handiwork of the devil. Alcohol is a...
  20. P

    Tattoo is seen on the back of a dead TTP terrorist.

    No I still disagree. LOL! Try me! Only the very corrupt engage in this business. The government needs to crack down on these goon baboons. Even in the videos, it is stated that it is basically agianst Pakistani culture to have tattoos.
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