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  1. P

    A world that doesn't have to ask for America's permission

    A world that doesn't need USA's permission to do anything? An end to Bush's bloodthirsty crusades? An end to American imperialism? An end to indecent fashions, talking with profanities, fornication culture, bikinis, getting fat by drinking coca-cola? An end to the unconditional support of...
  2. P

    Egypt: Muslim mob bars Christians from entering church

    Turkey is not a role model for Muslim countries. LOL. Please get rid of the those fanatic Kemalists, then talk!
  3. P

    US does not want India in Security Council

    Don't worry, India won't get into the Permanent UNSC anytime soon. Be realistic, why would USA want India in the UNSC?
  4. P

    The myth of American military superiority

    No one is underestimating USA. but don't underestimate other countries either. Ofcourse it is the Americans who blind in their ignorance and arrogance. Still thinking that they can recover from the cursed mistakes of the first 2000's decade. Who will side with USA to be a counterweight to...
  5. P

    The myth of American military superiority

    India to challenge USA, are you joking. Please give me a break. If Russia allies with China, this augments Russia's position vis-a-vis USA.
  6. P

    Tibetan self-immolations continue in northwestern Gansu

    These useless Ghandian tactics won't solve anything.
  7. P

    Did Americans stage 9/11?

    Yes, true. Okay, well now time for USA to pack up from Afghanistan. What are they doing there? The Afghanistan people don't want USA there.
  8. P

    Did Americans stage 9/11?

    lol, its too obvious. USA needed a new Pearl Harbour aka 9/11, so they could disturb the Muslim countries for geopolitical reasons. Prince Naif from the Saudi royal family doesn't believe Saudi youths would do 9/11. Not to forget USA has disturbed the Muslim countries for a long time...
  9. P

    The myth of American military superiority

    It is already a known fact that by end of 2017, USA won't be strongest country economically, militarily, politically, or culturally. China and Russia are rising fast. Anti-Americanism in rampant in the Islamic World. South Americans and Europeans don't like USA.
  10. P

    The yuan is displacing the dollar as a key currency

    Good to hear that. I hope the Yuan completely displaces the dollar. Its without a doubt that the USA messed up big time.
  11. P

    Russia worried about China's increasing industrial capacity

    China can now hold on it's 2 feet now. The world is different place now. The USA...They are not the best anymore. 5-10 years from now, when people look back at the wars that the USA did, people will not look positively at the USA.
  12. P

    Russia worried about China's increasing industrial capacity

    Oh really, then bring your arguments then. China is closer to Pakistan than Russia is to India. lol, you did know that right? Even Putin allowed Pakistan to get RD-93 engines. What China allow you to get. I'm thinking Chinese strategists are trying to get Pakistan and Russia together. Let...
  13. P

    Russia worried about China's increasing industrial capacity

    LOL, I saw that. its nothing significant. Not what China works with Pakistan to produce. Besides China would not compromist their relationship with Pakistan. Remember China calls Pakistan their "Israel."
  14. P

    Fugitive Sindhudesh chief operating from Kabul

    Karzai will be fleeing from Kabul very soon. I hear its bloodbath in Afghanistan. Its getting pretty nasty, with all of the ANA killing American troops.
  15. P

    Japan must adapt to China's navy moves

    Indian government are such hypocrites, they talk about democracy, but won't let the Kashmiris decide whether they want to accede to Pakistan or India.
  16. P

    Afghanistan emerges as new job market for Pakistanis

    Thumbs up! :lol: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lol, the Indians can never beat Pakistanis when it comes to Afghanistan. The westerner's know their time is up, and they are very scared after their crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.
  17. P

    Russia worried about China's increasing industrial capacity

    You are right, they are not as important as they used to be. Didn't China and Russia sign a treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation? It shows that China and Russia are on the same side most of the time. They only time they differ is when it comes to Pakistan and India. Russia...
  18. P

    The End of the New World Order

    Even Americans on facebook have realized that now the Muslims are very angry. The Americans messed up with the Muslims big time. Another thing, I was talking to a Canadian in Ottawa Canada, and he believes that 9/11 is an inside job. Well, the USA is losing their influence in the Islamic...
  19. P

    Karzai asks Pakistan to unite in “honest” fight against extremism

    Yeah, soon he will be fleeing like Najibullah did. lol.
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